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"Shhhhh don't scream idiot! You're embarrassing me" i shut his mouth as people around us giving us a glance while whispering.

"Y/n if anything happens. It's okay I'll take responsibility. After all, I'm your boyfriend and were in a serious relationship aren't we?"

I swear my face is beat red just like the dress shirt he is currently wearing.

"Urghhh i hate you"

"I love you" he said.

'I swear to jisoos. My heart just did a full backflip.'

"No you don't"

”yes i do" now it's doing a summersault

"No you didn't"

He sighed and his face seems serious this time. He leaned down and cupped both of my cheeks. Pulling my face near him.

"Y/n. I have something to tell you"


"I love you"

My face is reddening but it doesn't stop me to punch his chest.

'maybe you don't know this. But i think i may be love you too'

He coughed.

"What is that for?"

"You stupid cocky windshield ignorance head! You can't just say the word i love you. If you didn't really meant it"

"But i really did actually meant it" he takes my hand and put it on the left side of his chest. Where his heart are situated and it's beating awfully hard from normal.

"See, it's beating uncontrollable if you're nearby"

I have no power left to look him in the eyes. And just looking at our feet as it's suddenly feels more interesting.

Seokjin pulls her chin to look at him in the eyes and she did.

He chuckles as he sees how red she is.

"You're cute when you shy"

"Shut up idiot"

"I'm your idiot"




"I love you"


Knock knock knock..

"Come in"

"Y/n? You okay?"

"Yeah. Why you asked?" Y/n said while she obviously hiding under her thick blanket

"Seriously y/n?"


"You have something to tell me bitch?"


"Oh c'mon! It's not like i just knew you." Jisoo said as she sit on the edge of y/n bed.

"It's really nothing jisoo"

"Once you step in this house justnow. I already know something had happened y/n. You can't hide it from me forever. Moreover, you just walk by me eventhough i had snacks in my hand. Usually you will fight with me over a damn snacks. Now spill"

"Okay. Actually i-"

"Wait. I think it's much more better if we talk with a tub of ice cream for each of us. So strawberry?"

" You know me so well jisoo"

And from there. Y/n told jisoo everything. Starting from how he knew jin until what had happened to them today.

***A few hours later***

"Jin is the one night stand guy you told me about??" Y/n nod.

" My current president is? That kim Seokjin guy?" She nod again

" And you just lyingly-conffessed to his father face about your relationship?" Y/n enthusiastically nodding her head again with a small pout visible on her lips.

"But In the end he said he love you and  kissed you?" This time she Shyly nod.

" So what's your answer?" She scoup a big spoon of ice cream before melting it inside her mouth

" Ahhh!! I don't know. I think i like him. But sometimes it's just... I don't know. I never like someone before and i don't know what it feels like..."

"So?... Your answer?"



"I didn't give him any answers yet. After he confessed. I'm panic and i just runaway."

"Oh my gosh y/n. You did not just did that"

"Already done it"

"Poor jin"

They scoop a spoonful of ice cream. Moving to their second tub.

"So what do you think about him?"

"He's a nice guy.  motherly type sometimes"

"No. I didn't mean it like that. I mean personally. Romantically"

"I.. don't know... Maybe i like him.. but maybe i.." i blushed a different shade of red and jisoo just smirk knowingly

"i already told you what i think justnow right! I still confused. Don't ask me anymore!"

"He's a keeper y/n"

"How'd you know?" I said in a low tone.

" I work with jin before he be the current president of our hospital. So i know how gentleman he is and how nice he can be. He's handsome, tall, wealthy, smart, good in cooking and from a well known background. Heck he's the living main character from any drama that you could ever ask for. But he never look down on others" jisoo were short of breath after she finish talking.

"Wow. You really look forward to him"

”ofcourse, he's our hospital idol. On a second thought. You know, maybe you should accept him. So i can brag to the other busy body nurses that my bestie have held jin wrapped around your fingers"

"Heol, why didn't you take him yourself?"

"Nah, I'm perfect and he's perfect. Not really a good combination. Don't you know opposite attract?"

What can i say to this bitch of mine?

"I think it's a bit funny and a bit fated to the both of you."


" Remember the 'you will die prank' that i pull on you?"

" Urgghh¡ I will never forget about it ever. Why?"

" Well what do you know. He's the master plan behind all that bullshit"

"Say What?"

"I know! Funny right? How unlucky he is to meet the victim by himself and moreover promise her to take care all of her wishes. I swear he knows your face because i already show your picture." jisoo laugh as tears start to fill in her eyes as the result of too much laughing.



"O'oh.. you're not thinking that he... lied to you all this time right?"

"Jisoo... Now i know why i think i had meet jimin before."


"Jimin... He's the black haired guy who safe me at the bridge"

"You mean.."

"He's the one suggest me to go to hawai"

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