26 5 1

5 days jin been admitted to the hospital but he still hasn't wake up. The doctor who treated jin, which is jisoo. Said he will not survive if it's not the help from the machine. Like a loyal person i am. I waited for him too wake up every single day. If jimin and jisoo didn't always force me to go. I wouldn't go anywhere from him. I want to be the first person jin saw when he open his eyes.

Why? Because now realize that i actually really fall for him. I just realized how he really changed my life. He make my dull life lively with only his presence.

" Hey jin you wanna hear some joke?"


"Ofcourse you do. You suck for dad jokes. ok here i go. Hey you know why I'm sexy?"


" Because when I'm naked in the bathroom, the shower get's turn on! puahahhahaha!" I laugh alone like crazy but a second after i became serious again.

"Ok ok i know that sucks. i try another one. Ehem! What the patient says when the doctor is late?"


"It's okay. I'm patience. Puahahahah!! Heh.... I know, i know I'm terrible in jokes. So wake up and attack me with one of your terrible jokes too" i laugh with tears start to form in my eyes

I'm gonna fucking lying if i said I'm okay. My heart shattered to pieces every time i step in the room only to see jin lying with his unconcious pale form on the hospital bed. 

I rub my tears away and held his hand. Rubbing a small circle.

"Jin, I know you can hear me. Please wake up. I promise I'll hold you. I'll kiss you. I'll soak in your warmth. I tell you how much i love you. I'll take you to dates. I'll treat you like a prince you are. So jin, if you ever feel to give up. Please fight it. I beg you please don't leave me. I'll swear I'll listen to whatever you wanna say. I'll swear to laugh in every each of your damn jokes. I'll swear to understand you. Accept your love, trust you more, But please, don't leave me." I swept my tears from my wet cheeks. I intertwined our hand and kiss them over and over again.

" I don't care if it's take years. I will wait for you like what you did for me. So wake up. Please.."

"......  "

"Jinnnn" i cried again

"Y/n. I think it's better for you go back and take a rest. We can handle him" i know it's jisoo from the voice

"No. I want to stay longer"

"Go. I need to change his clothes"

"But-" i turn to face jimin but jisoo cut me out

"C'mon y/n. Let jimin clean him. You did a lot for today. Go home and get some rest." She pat my shoulder and pull me to stand. I nod before turning to jin again and kiss our intertwined hand.

"Call me if anything happens" i told jimin and he just nod

"Come. Let me sent you to the parking lot"

The walk to the parking lot is silence as jisoo give me the time for myself.

"Kay. Drive safely and make sure you eat your dinner properly. The food is in the fridge. Don't worry. Jin is gonna be okay" she reassure me. I nod and giving her a thin line smile. She left when i turn toward my car that nicely park at the basement.

I searched the car key inside my purse but it's not inside.

"Shit, did i left my car key on the side table? Tch!"

5 minutes later

"Hey i forgot my car ke- jin?!!" My purse fall onto the floor as my hand left with no energy  to handle anything for the time being.

What i see is shocked me like a lightning. Not because jin is half naked only with the hospital pants hangs loosely on his hip and that glorious v deep could be see- n-no!  And ofcourse not because of i could clearly see his hard abs on the show with that famous wide shoulders he look so ho-. Wait.... No! Focus!.

The main point that really shock the hell out of me is the fact that jin is changing his clothes by himself. Standing proudly. Beside the bed. And jimin is sitting on the bed looking at jin while sipping some juice.

After seeing me. They both panic and do what they had to do before standing cowardly. Face down a few meter infront of me.

" Extra rice for the hungers comin right up!  But sorry jin, They don't have tempura today but they surely have a nice bulg- y/n!!" Jisoo gasp as if she saw a ghost Infront of her. But to dismay. The meal set is still strong in her hand.

Jisoo put the tray aside and stand in a protecting position as she saw me taking my purse from the floor.

"Y-y/n.. listen to me first." She push her hand forward signalling me to calm down when seeing I take a first step toward her with a menacing aura and she gulp. 

" U-urmmm.. i know it's confusing of whahahayy jin is standing wow so healthy there" she become more panic when i didn't say anything and further my step toward her who standing near the door

" I know you're mad at us b-but eekkk" she closed her eyes protecting herself with both of her arm crossed Infront if her face. But I don't have any mood to lash out my anger or sadness or whatever this feelings that i feel called.

All i know is i wanted to be alone for the time being and let my foot bring me to where it brings.

Tears of surprise, anger, sad, happy, disappointment become one as i confuse with what happen myself. All i could ever think is they must be have the fun in pranking me like they used too before

"Y/n wait!" Jin stop me by my arm

"Don't touch me! Go away!" I yank my arm but it was helpless. He was stronger than me.

"Y/n. I know what i did is wrong but i have my reason t-"

"To make the fool out of me? Than congrats! You're achieve it. Now please let me go" I burst into pool of tears. Ignoring all the doctors and patients around looking at the soap opera showed by us.

"I won't let you go. Not when after i hear your promises to never let me go and other plans to do with me" he pull my arm so i can get closer to him and engulf me in his arm. I push him away and punch his chest but he doesn't budge.

I end up in his warm hug circling by his strong arm like a belt. patting my back and hugging my waist tighter as if i will run away anytime sooner. I give up pushing him away and end up burrying my face onto his chest. crying in his chest whilst punching lightly because in the same time, I'm scared to hurt him. Muttering i hate you repeatedly. He didn't say anything but nodded and keep rubbing my back in a slow but comfortable circle.


Half am hour later
Hospital rooftop

"You have 10 minutes to explain damn jerk Fucking ugly kim Seokjin"

" you curse to much y/n"

"Like i care! 9 minutes 48seconds left!"

"Okay... I think i.. I'm ready to tell you the truth"

"I know you're not in coma to begin with jin. And that makes me sooo-"

"No. I'm ready to tell you the truth about me and taehyung girlfriend. "

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