It's only been 2 weeks of our relationship, but the two of us in a couple syndrome. Symptom include random cuddling, sweet and hot kisses, attentive of head caressed. Whispers of sweet nothings. This moment felt just right.  Like the bloom of thousand flowers, all good things come to demise.

I made up my mind to enjoy the deadly sweetness of his touches and unbothered and unperturbed.

" Can i tie your shoes? Coz i don't want you to fall for anybody else" jin said. Poking y/n nose.

"Are you an alien? Coz you abducted my heart" this time y/n poke jin nose

" Is your name wifi? Coz I'm feeling a connection" jin reply back earning complaints grunts from left and right.

"Oh please! This is much worse than his lame dad jokes!" Yoongi sighing as he burried his head in his arms that been resting on the table.

" Calm your hormones there's a lot of single's here. Damnnn" This time jisoo support yoongi as she throw tissues on the both of us before laying her back more on the chair.

"I know love is in the the air. but I don't know people in love is this annoying" namjoon  slowly rubbing circles on his head.

" Tell me about it. It took me lot of patience to not punch jin hyung in the face whenever he smiling like an idiot he is when he goo goo ga ga with y/n on the phone everyday" now jimin join in. Rolling his eyes as if he can see the socket of nerves inside his head.

"Awwww you were smiling everytime you call me honey?"

"Ofcourse baby. You're my source of happiness" jin squished y/n face on his hand as he cup her face

"Awwww you're the sweetest darling. I wove you" this time y/n cupping jin face.

"Ohhhh come on!! We're trying to eat now" jisoo complaint. Putting her fork and knife down

"C'mon man. Let me eat my dinner with peace" namjoon support. Over dramatically looking up at the ceiling both hands slamming the table.

"You're lucky jimin hold me. If not, these fork gonna end up in your eye socket. Damn it". Yoongi menacingly glare at the two lovebirds who seems didn't faze at all of their threats.

"Yoongi-ssi. You're to cute to look scary."

"Shut up" yoongi hissed

" Aww look babe, their lonely ass is jealous"

"It's okay, i bring someone from the office for jisoo".

"My perfect everything don't need you to find someone for me" jisoo humph

"Yeah yeah whatever jealousy loner"

"Hey everyone~ sorry I'm late"

"Hoseokie! you're finally here" y/n stand up and give the smiling hoseok a friendly hug

"Hoseokie?" Jisoo tilt her head as looking at the guy who just arrive.

"Yes. The guy i want you to meet"

"Oh" jisoo said relaxed

"The guy is H-hoseok?"

"Why are you the one stuttering yoongi?" Jin asked

"Yeah yoongi hyung, why are you stuttering?" Namjoon asked while cupping his own face

"Yeah yoongi hyung. Why?" This time jimin asked, putting on his smirk.

"Why are you guys seems like pushing him?" Jisoo askee questionally.

"I know right? Wait a minute." You turn your gaze on hoseok. Mutely talking with him. Giving eye signal to one another.

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