Chapter Two

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(Midoriya P.O.V)

The next morning I was sore so I gave myself a day off from training, and besides Akira was coming over so I got out of bed and into the shower and then went to the kitchen and saw a note from Mom saying that she went to work again and won't be home for a few days, I sighed in relief and was glad Mom wasn't here. It might sound like I don't love my Mom but I do but I don't want her to be embarrassed by Mom's actions, I'll be embarrassing for the two of us.

I was washing my bowl I ate my cereal with when the doorbell rang, I ran to the door and peeked in the peek hole and saw it was Akira and I let her in. "Thank you Midoriya for letting me come." She said and I told her it wasn't a problem, she took off her shoes at the doorway and we went to the couch and we talked about small things like the weather and what our quirks are. I was surprised that she has two, but she said she wouldn't use one of them due to her Mother. I tried to ask more but she gave me a look that said 'don't ask unless I am ready' and I stopped prying into her quirk, I told her my quirk and she was sipping her tea when she asked me a shocking question. "You got your quirk from All Might didn't you?" She questions and I look at her with wide eyes and I couldn't think of an excuse.

"Don't worry I already know about All Might's quirk, thought it was an accident that I found out." She explained and I was relieved, I didn't betray All Might's trust but how did she know about One For All? We talked for a while until her phone went off and it was her Dad telling her that he was coming home late and she wasn't even shocked. "If it isn't rude to ask but what's your last name?" I asked her and she didn't look at me but didn't answer as well. "Look if I told you my last name and you got into U.A you'll most likely meet my Dad, and if we're in the same class I'll tell you okay?" She says and I nodded in agreement and so we talked for a long time until I got a text from Mom saying that she's going overseas so she'll be back by next week and I got sad real quick and Akira noticed that.

(Your P.O.V)

I watched Midoriya go from happy to sad within two seconds so I decided we would go to the park and he got happy and quickly left to his room and changed out of his pajamas. I saw how quaint the apartment was and I felt right at home, Midoriya came out of his room a few minutes later and we then walked out of the apartment and headed towards the park. There we talked more and simply enjoyed each other's company until someone came yelling and it was aimed at Midoriya.

A boy with blonde spiky hair came towards us and I stood up and watched the boy with a wary eye, I could sense Midoriya was scared of him and I hated knowing that someone as innocent as Midoriya was scared. "Who the hell are you and why are you hanging out with Deku?" He asked me and I looked at him with cold eyes, and I could tell he got even more pissed at Midoriya. "My name is Akira and I'm talking to my friend Midoriya and he isn't a Deku, it isn't nice to call someone that. Do onto others you want done to you, using that sentence I should be calling you a weakling and Midoriya isn't one." I state and he 'tsked' and walked away and I looked over at Midoriya and he released a breath I don't think he knew he was holding.

"Sorry about that Midoriya, I didn't like how he talked about you so I put my two sense into it. I hope that doesn't make things worse for you." I tell the boy and instead of answering, he pulls me into a hug and I turn slightly pink and Midoriya was red by his own actions. "N-no it's o-okay, n-nothing that I h-haven't d-dealt with b-before." He says and I held him tighter and then I let him go and stare into his giant green eyes. "You shouldn't have to deal with that, has nobody helped you stop his bullying?" I questioned the male and he shook his head and I softly smiled and ruffled his messy green hair. "Don't worry Midoriya I'll help you." I say softly and his eyes began to water and he whispers a thank you and I nodded, I take him back to his apartment and there I give him one more hug and I leave to head home and one thing keeps playing in my mind.

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