Character Information

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Top Secret File: Only Authorized Personnel Can Access This File

Name: Akira Aizawa

Age: 16

Date of Birth: December 6th, 2XXX

Blood Type: B

Height: 5'6"3/4

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Dark Red, Dark Green (When Using Erasure), White (When Using Puppeteer)

Nationality: Eurasian - Half Japanese/Half German

Quirk(s): Erasure, Puppeteer

Quirk(s) Description: Erasure - Can erase someone's quirk for as long as she stares at them, her hair will float in the air and eyes will turn green. Puppeteer - Can release a black scented mist and it wraps around her target and then she can brainwash them and both her hair and eyes will change color and her hair will match her eye color, her targets won't remember what transpired while they're under this quirk.

Quirk(s) Drawbacks: Erasure - She has to look at her target and if she blinks the quirk deactivates and the targets can use their quirk, she also get's really bad dry eye if go too far and if she uses past her dry eyeness she might go blind. Puppeteer - A area of skin must be showing to use this and if the target breaks out of the hold she immediately faints, she can only control two at a time anymore will put a heavy strain on her mental state making her go into insanity.

Parents: Shota Aizawa: Hero Name - EraserHead (Father, Alive), Jocelyn Shinra: Villain Name - Puppet Master (Mother, Alive)

Authors opinion: Hello everyone this was completed February 16th, 2020. I know that this chapter will have been done later but I didn't do this until yesterday when I wrote this, but this is all the information needed for Akira's looks and her quirk

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