Chapter Five

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(Your P.O.V)

The next morning I woke up and did my morning routine, grabbed an apple and walked out of the apartment and headed towards the school. But what I didn't expect was seeing Midoriya running like he was late, we had a half an hour until we were allowed to report to homeroom in the first place. I stopped him by grabbing his blazer and he looked into my dark red eyes and I let go of his blazer, he explained that he thought he was running late but since he saw that I wasn't running he caught his breath and we walked to class.

We got to our seats and I ate the apple that I packed and Midoriya was getting ready for class to start, everyone came in and I sat by myself when someone slammed their hand onto my desk. I looked up and saw the blonde angry Porcupine, his scowl was bigger and his red eyes were filled with anger and pride, an extremely dangerous mixture. "Why were you talking with the damn Deku?" He shouted and I glared at him, my eyes were turning green meaning my quirk is activating. My messy black hair was flying in the air, similar to Dad's and he tried to hit me but I dodged his attack and I analyzed what his attacks are and how to avoid them. "He is my friend like I said the first time we met, and he isn't a Deku. You saw how strong his quirk is, you can't say that about him and if you do I will hurt you and I will make sure you suffer for what you did to him." I state and everyone was quiet, he clicked his tongue and turned around and I deactivated my quirk and my eyes turned back to red and my hair falls down like a mess.

People were trying to figure out my quirk, but then Dad came into the room and homeroom began but it turned into a study hall and he went into his yellow sleeping bag for a nap and people began asking me about what the hell was my quirk. I ignored them and focused on some drawings I have in my notebook, people dropped the subject of my quirk and I was glad since I wasn't ready to tell them about my quirks since I don't trust the class just yet so when I do trust them I'll tell them. Lunch came around and I sat with Midoriya, Uraraka and Iida and we began talking about little things until a sensitive subject was brought up. "Hey Akira who's your parent's? I'm asking since I want to be your friend and want to get to know you." Uraraka asked me and I put down the chopsticks and looked at the brown haired girl and sighed, I grabbed my flask from my sweater pocket and told Iida that it wasn't alcohol but a type of medicine I need to take when it came to my past to prevent a full blown panic attack and all three were shocked.

"My conception was an unusual one, it started when my Dad was in Middle School. His parents weren't around often and he was often alone at home. One day he was walking home from school when he was brainwashed by a villain. This villain kidnapped him for a month and used her quirk to make sure he stayed as her doll. For a month straight he was used as her plaything, he was found in his parents bed all bloody with a scar covering his entire chest from his shoulder down to his private area, there in the hospital they were able to help him and he was taken into questioning and they were able to deduce that the villain who took him rapped him for a month straight." I say pausing to catch my breath and the three were shocked hearing the story, I took a deep breath and continued the story. "Almost ten months later, while Dad was here at U.A he was called into the principal's office and there he found out that the villain who rapped him and kidnapped him for a month straight was taken into custody and there he also found out that he was a Father and he was only 15 at the time. My Grandparents advised him to not keep me but he did it since I was his kid and he already seemed to connect with me, the villain was taken to Tarturas and yet somehow she escaped." I finished and they were quiet, but I took another deep breath and looked at the three.

"I was born with two quirks, both are from my parents. I mainly use my Dad's quirk and I never will use that whore's quirk, I used it once and the face my Dad made scared the living hell out of me. But I sense that I can trust you three so I'll tell you something, when I was around six almost seven I met my Mother. She then kidnapped me and caused psychological damage and a lot of physical damage to me, there is a scar on my backside that is still there to this day which you can somewhat see." I told the three and I could feel my anxiety growing but Midoriya but his hand over mine and I smiled thankfully and continued my story. "I had to get my brain operated on in order to even save me since she did something to my brain but on the day I got my letter from U.A the aftermath of the operation took its effects and I was in the hospital for a while. It wasn't until the day before school started I returned home, and that's why I didn't take the quirk assessment yesterday but rather after school in case I fainted. But luckily I didn't and I hung out with Midoriya yesterday and he saw what one of my quirks are and has met my Dad, and no he promised that he won't tell so don't interrogate the poor bean." I say and all three nodded, a tear fell down my cheek and I wiped it and thanked them for hearing the story.

Lunch came to an end and we returned to class and then we waited for the teacher who teaches Hero Studies, then out of nowhere All Might bursts in and while everyone was freaking out including Midoriya I was gaining a headache quickly. I never liked loud noises and All Might is loud, as well as the class who is being really loud except for Midoriya who was silently fanboying, he explained what we were doing and then cases appeared from the wall and we were told to get our case to change into our costumes. I grabbed mine and went to the girl's locker room to change, Uraraka gasped slightly when I revealed my backside showing my gigantic scar I looked at her and she mouth 'sorry' and I nodded and began getting my costume on. It was a short black dress that went to my midthigh, it had armor in places to protect me. A holster for my gun, and yes I have a gun with tranquilizer bullets and a round of bullets which are similar to the one quirk I hate using as for an emergency as well as actual real bullets. I showed a lot of leg but it was covered by the same material that Midnight's hero costume uses, my boots also had armor on them but it wasn't heavy at all. I tied my hair into a bun and put my communicator in my ear which helps me focus on one noise so I don't break down into a crying mess, then I place my hood up and my mask.

I checked my eye drops and saw they were there, my gun was set and the safety was on, I had a belt around my dress which held medicine and my bullet rounds. I walked out with the others in my class and I looked really weird but I felt comfy in this, although the dress was skin tight and you can see the outline of my bra. I looked out of the corner of my eye and saw Mineta being a pervert and I felt disgusted, how did they allow a person with no morals into the Hero course. Midoriya came out since he was the last one and his outfit didn't look well made, but then I remembered that his Mom made it and depending on who's he up against that's going to be destroyed but he looked adorable. I turned red and shook my head of the thought, thank goodness my hood was up or else somebody might notice and I didn't want that. 'Why did I think that about Midoriya, I mean he is adorable but I can't think about him like that we're friends.' I thought in my head, my face was still hot but I took a few deep breaths and I calmed my redness down.

All Might explained that we were going to randomly paired with someone with our class and there will be one team of three, I picked up a ball and it had the letter A on it and there we got our teams. I was paired with Midoriya and Uraraka, thank god because I don't know anyone else and I'm too scared to try and get to know them. Wondering why, well I don't trust them and until they can prove otherwise that they're trustworthy I don't want to work with them but that might change and I know it. Our team was up first and was against Iida and Bakugou and I knew that Midoriya was fucked but he had me on the team to help him, the other team went into the building and I analyzed the map of the building and had a theory on where the bomb was.

Midoriya was worried but I didn't blame him at all, he was going up against the class hothead and his childhood bully. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it tightly which scared him, but he saw it was me and he turned red as was my face and I quickly let go of his hand and prepare myself for a big fight.

Authors opinion: Hello everyone this was completed on February 9th, 2020. In this chapter it begins the fight between Midoriya and Bakugou and tells us the story about how Akira was created, of course they don't know who her Mother is but that will be revealed another time. I hope that you guys liked this chapter and until the next time bye

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