Chapter One

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(Your P.O.V)

Winter, a beautiful season to many including myself. My messy black hair was blowing with the wind as I was walking towards U.A High School for the Entrance Exam, thought my quirk isn't meant for these types of test. Oh I never gave you my name, my name is Akira Aizawa daughter of the underground Hero Eraserhead. I know I could've gotten into U.A under recommendations but I didn't want that I wanted to prove myself and Dad thought the same thing so he didn't recommend me. My quirk or special power is the same as my Dad's 'Erasure', but I also have my Mother's quirk but I never want to use that quirk I hate it since it reminds me how I was created.

I wore my school uniform as per everyone else and I had my headphones on blasting heavy rock music into my ears, it was cold for early spring but it still feels like winter. I was about to walk into the area where we're having the orientation so I turned off my phone and stuffed it into my backpack as well as my headphones and accidently bumped into someone and we both fall onto the ground. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry I didn't see where I was going." I apologized to the person and I looked at them, it was a boy with green messy hair and his freckles were in the shape of a diamond on each cheek which looked adorable. "I-it's okay I-I w-wasn't pa-paying attention e-either." He stuttered and I nodded and walked away from him and I felt my face turning slightly hotter than normal.

'Oh my gosh I just talked to a boy and it wasn't Dad or Mic, if Midnight saw that I won't hear the end of it the same with Dad.' I think in my head after I sat down, we took the written exam the day prior but today it's the practical exam. After listening to Mic's none stop talking we were allowed to change and go to our battle centers, I was in the B center at least it's better than the A center apparently there supposed to be a kid there who acts more like a villain than a hero. I was in my normal training outfit, a black sports bra, a tank top and leggings that go to my upper thighs. I stretched my muscles and there I saw the boy I ran into earlier, I started walking towards him but then Mic told us to start and I began to help others who needed help. I can't attack them with my quirk so my best bet is to save others and hopefully incapacitate some robots if I'm lucky.

I was alright for a while until the Zero-Pointer came out and many people began running away but not two people, a girl with short brown hair was stuck and the boy from earlier jumped up using his quirk and he destroyed the robot. I saw him falling so I used my surroundings to catch him and his face was in my chest and I prepared for a bad landing but instead I open my eyes and the two of us were floating in the air. "Release..." A voice said and I looked over and saw it was the short brown haired girl used her quirk and we both landed on the ground and I sat up and the boy was redder than a tomato since his face was in my chest. "You okay? I saw you flying in the air and I got worried you might've got really injured." I asked the boy and he nodded, I moved away and thanked the girl for catching the two of us.

"No problem, it was nothing and besides you were his real hero. If you didn't go after him and catch him when you did I think he might've hurt himself more." She says and I nodded in agreement, Recovery Girl came over and she sighed at the boy's recklessness and I pondered at that. His quirk destroyed his body, like his body wasn't meant to have this quirk or he just received it. Recovery Girl healed him but I was worried about him since he looked like shit. "Listen after you change wait for me by the gate." I tell him and walk away and I get people drooling at me and I felt disgusted but that was to be expected. We changed back into our school uniforms and there I saw the boy waiting for me like I asked him to, so I poked his arm and he jumped and I apologized for scaring the poor child. "A-anyway why did you want me to wait here for you?" He asked this time not stuttering and I turned slightly pink and told him that I wanted to be his friend and wanted to exchange numbers. "R-really?" He questioned and I nodded, I hand him my phone and I take his and we put our numbers in. "Oh I never told you my name, my name is Akira nice to meet you." I introduce myself and he introduced himself as Izuku Midoriya.

I thanked him for the number and we both went our separate ways, I was still a bit pink but I was giddy on the inside. 'I made a new friend isn't that great, I wonder why does his quirk seem familiar, it reminds me of All Might's?' I think in my head and I remember something I learned a while ago and I knew I had to ask him what his quirk is. But I wasn't too worried about that, the main thing was that I made a friend my first real friend. See I was a sheltered child, always at U.A after I was born since my Dad was a teenager when he had me so some of the staff I've known since birth, I didn't go to regular school so I was constantly reading to gain knowledge and taking mock exams similar to the written exam we took for U.A so that wasn't new for me. I wasn't even wearing a school uniform, it's actually an outfit I had picked out since it was similar to a school uniform.

(Midoriya P.O.V)

My hands were shaking after today, considering that I just got a girl's number it makes sense. She was really pretty too, her hair while looked messy like mine does it flowed nicely with the wind, she had dark red eyes that glowed like rubies. I turned a dark red thinking about her, I shake the thought out of my head and sighed. 'Why am I thinking like that, yeah she's pretty but I'm nothing. A girl like that wouldn't be more than my friend so I can just give up.' I think in my head and I sigh and look up. "But a guy can dream."

I arrive home and told Mom what happened today and she was happy that I made a friend considering how hard it was for me to make friends when I was a quirkless being. I change into a pair of sweats and sit down in my bed, there my phone goes off and I see that Akira texted me and she asked if she could come over to my house tomorrow. I told her she could and I sent her my address and she sent me a smiley face emoji and I swore my heart skipped by a little bit.

'Why am I feeling like this for a girl I just met...?'

Authors opinion: Good day everyone, this was completed on January 27, 2020. In this story it came to be after my friends and I were talking about a topic which will be revealed in later chapters, I also made her not say her last name so that way nobody knows about who she is related to but I hope you guys like this story and please let me know if you would like to see something similar in the future. Also can we just talk about the last sentence that Midoriya thought, this poor bean is confused and I'm making him see like he doesn't deserve her which will change in a later chapter. But I better go so until the next time bye

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