Chapter Fourteen

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(Your P.O.V)

The next day I was excited to go to school for once, Dad came into the room and said that after yesterday Principal Nezu wants me to be comfortable so I was given a simple white dress, my school sweater vest, nude stockings, and my school loafers. The hospital let me keep the doll I was given so I was happy, Dad signed me out and we both went to U.A and I was humming a happy tune. "Enough with the humming Akira, I get that you're happy but I don't want a headache this early in the morning so please stop." Dad said and I stopped humming and silently played with the doll since Dad was driving us.

We arrived and I stepped out of the car and walked into the building, there were a few people and I could hear the rumors and I hated that. I ignored them and focused my attention on walking and playing with my doll. Izuku came in and I jumped like a kid on christmas, he was confused on why I was acting like this but I told him that Dad will tell him later. "Why do you have a doll with you Strawberry?" Izuku asked and I said that it's part of what Dad needs to tell the class and he nodded and dropped the subject. "What's her name?" The green haired boy asked and I smiled at him. "Her name is Ashura... I named her after Mommy." I said and he was confused about who was Mommy but he remembered that I said that Dad had a Fiance so that was Mommy. "She's very pretty dear." He said and I nodded, I yawned and closed my eyes and took a nice nap.

(Midoriya P.O.V)

I looked at my sleeping girlfriend and saw that her behavior was different, I knew it had something to do with what my bastard of a Father did or tried to do to her. She didn't even wear the normal school uniform, not that I minded that since Mineta won't be able to try and look under her skirt and see her underwear. The others came into the classroom and some tried to talk to Akira but she ignored them and this confused them, then Mr. Aizawa came into the classroom and he cleared his throat and Akira looked at him with a happy smile like one of a child's then went back to sleep. "Everyone listen up, in case you haven't noticed. Akira isn't her normal self, to explain everything right now would ruin the investigation so I can't disclose what happened. All I can say is that her mindset is that of a child while she may talk like her regular self she'll act like she's a young girl. The doctor suggested that somebody watches her, Midoriya and Bakugou you two will be in charge of Akira until further notice, I trust that you two can get along for once to look after her." Mr. Aizawa said and everyone freaked out that Kacchan will hurt me.

"Are you fine working with me Kacchan? If not I can take care of her myself." I asked the angry blonde in front of me, he turned and gave a small smirk. "Sure if it means I don't have to deal with the shitty extras then fine, I wanted to get to know the brat anyway after she helped me apologize to Deku a while back." He says and I nodded in thanks and everyone freaked out until Mr. Aizawa used his quirk and everyone quiet down and I heard Akira mumble something in her sleep and I looked over and she had a soft smile on her face. The day went on smoothly with the only issue was Mineta trying to touch her, I moved her onto my lap and Kacchan glared at Mineta. "Hold on a second, how come you two won't let Mineta touch Akira and yet Midoriya put her on his lap. I mean no girl wants to be touched by Mineta but the point still stands." Jirou questioned and I looked at them and sighed in annoyance, I nicely shook Akira awake and whispered in her ear what I was going to do. "If you think you're ready Izuku." She said and I nodded.

(Your P.O.V)

I was scared but I could tell Katsuki knew what we were planning. "Well the reason I put her on my lap when Mineta was trying to touch her is one, make sure she doesn't remember a traumatic memory. The second reason is because we're dating, we've been together for a while." Izuku announced and everyone was quiet until I think it was from Uraraka. "So Deku's been sleeping with the teacher's daughter to get favors." Uraraka said in a snide tone and I looked at her and she had jealousy and envy in her eyes. "No he isn't, he isn't that kind of person. Why would you think that Uraraka?" I asked her and she glared at me and used her quirk on a desk and threw it my way and I was frozen but Katsuki stopped it and gently put it down. "You okay Aki?" Katsuki asked and I nodded, shocked by the nickname but that quickly disappeared.

Everyone then questioned whether or not I wanted to be a Hero if I couldn't get past that event. "I'm sorry that I'm weak... that I let myself be like this... I'll go and I'll return when I'm better." I told them and began leaving the classroom ignoring everyone's words, I was about to exit the building when someone grabbed my hand. "Akira where are you going? Please come back." Izuku begged and I looked at him and kissed him before speaking. "I'm not going anywhere... I'm just leaving U.A. My mental state can't handle being a Hero, I'm sorry we can't be Hero's together but if I continue being a Hero I might end up in the mental hospital." I tell him and slowly break down, he pulls me into an embrace and ran his fingers through my hair. "It's okay Strawberry... I get it and I'm not mad nor disappointed. Did you talk to your Dad about this at all?" He asked me and I shook my head, he told me to talk to my Dad first but I told him I already made up my mind.

He told me to at least go to the guidance office and talk to the counselor there, I nodded and he thanked me and left to return to class. I headed to the guidance office and I knocked on the door and I was let inside, there I saw the counselor or rather his replacement. The normal counselor was on paternity leave for sometime so he was the temporary replacement. "Hello how can I help you Miss?" He asked and I closed the door behind me and told him that I was thinking of leaving U.A and he was surprised. "How come you want to leave?" He questioned me and I looked at him dead in the eyes. "It's due to my mental health, I can't handle all of it anymore. It's why I never went to public school, in case my mental health got too bad and now it's to the point where if I have one more break down I'll be treated as a psychic patient." I stated and he looked at me shocked and asked for my name, I told him and he quickly pulled my file. We talked for a while until he said that he needs to talk to Dad and I nodded and left and headed to lunch.

(Aizawa P.O.V)

I was in the teacher's lounge when I was called down to the guidance office, I was confused on why I was called so I went and when I arrived I also saw Nezu sitting there and I knew something was up. "Aizawa please have a seat, what we're about to discuss is something you best be sitting for." Hirio said and I nodded, I sat down next to Nezu and he passed me a file and I knew who's that was but there was a stamp that made me shocked. "Akira wants to unenroll from U.A?" I said in a shocked voice and both males hummed in confirmation. "I was just speaking with Akira and she said that she couldn't handle it anymore, I know she has had a rough past and now that it's catching up to her she feels as though if she has another break down she'll be a permanent patient at a mental asylum. I think it's best to let her leave, or figure something out for her since this is very important." Hirio explained and I nodded in agreement, maybe it's for the best that she isn't here. "What about for her education, for years she's been taught by someone from here and can basically graduate from here in she wanted to but I want her to not be on her own just yet. Not until her Mother is put back behind bars." I said and both were thinking of ideas, in the end we decided that she would be unenrolled from U.A and would be homeschooled and taught by Nezu himself.

I left and looked for Akira and saw her in the teacher's lounge with her eating lunch alone. I sat down next to her and she looked at me and I could tell she was scared of my reaction about what the counselor said to me. "I'm not mad Akira, I understand why you want to leave. So we came up with a plan, in the eyes of the law you would be now officially homeschooled and you won't be a Hero but Nezu has decided to be your teacher and teach you to make sure you don't fall behind. You'll also help him with any work he has, I know you wanted to leave U.A but if you do well and finish your work you can no longer have to come to U.A unless it's to help me with the class." I said to her and she thanked me and I nodded, we both began eating lunch and we both passed out needing a nap after this week.

Authors opinion: Hey guys what's up, this was completed on February 23th 2020. I know that the last chapter was done yesterday but oh well, anyway in this chapter I decided to change up the story. As I was thinking of the future of the story with the ending, I couldn't see Akira as a Hero after what I planned for her Mother to do. So I decided to change it up and have her leave U.A, of course she's still going to U.A but not as a regular student as she'll now be registered as homeschooled. Given how her mind is I didn't want her to keep breaking down like that so being a Hero might be putting on too much pressure on her mind so she'll have a different, and more calming career. But this is where I'm leaving it for now, and so until the next time bye

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