Chapter Four

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Time Skip - The First Day At U.A

(Your P.O.V)

My alarm woke me up bright and early Monday morning, and normally I wouldn't budge but today I got right up and took a nice warm shower. I was excited since today was the first day at U.A and I changed into the school uniform but instead of a blazer I was allowed to wear a sweater vest and the rest of the regular uniform. My hair was a black mess but I tamed it for now and it ended up looking just like Dad's except not as greasy looking, but I didn't mind since I pride myself for taking after my Dad in some departments.

I slipped on my shoes and prepped breakfast for me and Dad, Dad came out of his room as soon as the coffee maker beeped. I poured both of us a cup, but unlike Dad I put milk and sugar in mine since drinking it straight black is gross. We talked for a bit and then he left, I had time before I had to leave so I finished getting ready. When it was time to leave I grabbed my bag, my phone and earbuds and walked out of the apartment after I locked it.

Putting on my earbuds, I began my trek to U.A and I was excited. Ever since I was small I loved going to U.A with Dad and now I get to be in the same school as him, and if I'm lucky he might be my homeroom teacher which I hope he is. Vlad King tends to be scary and I don't blame him but he just has this air of scariness that I never got over as a child. When I saw the school in the distance I smiled softly and walked into the building and looking at my paper telling me where I was heading and that was 1-A, I walked inside the room and most if not all of the class was there including two people I recognized immediately. "If you're here to make friends then get out." A monotone voice said and I turned around and saw Dad laying in his yellow sleeping bag.

I moved away and he began passing out P.E uniforms and I was told that I wasn't going to participate in the activity since I was released from the hospital a couple other days ago. I pouted a bit but I understood why he did that, but he said the activity after this one I can do, so I was sent to the Teacher's Lounge and when I opened the door both Aunt Nemuri and Uncle Hizashi bombarded me with a group hug and I chuckled, they told me that they were my babysitters of sort until the class was done with the activity.

Time passed and then I was called down to the nurse's office and I saw Midoriya whose finger was bandaged up, I thanked Recovery Girl and took him back to class. He stood still when I grabbed his non injured hand and his face turned redder than a tomato, but I got him walking and we made it back before lunch started and before we even walked in there I let go of his hand that way Dad doesn't murder the poor boy on the first day of school. He talked about the rules and regulations here in the Hero Course, and then we were allowed to do whatever we wanted so I bugged Midoriya who was talking to Uraraka and Iida.

The day ended and I was glad that the first day went well, but now I have to stay back to make up the damn activity I missed but the good thing was that Midoriya stayed behind and he wanted to hang out after school so this was the only way I guess. Midoriya watched me complete the tests, and he noticed I didn't use my quirks but I told him that my quirks aren't meant for these types of activities. "By the way Akira, what are your quirks? I know you told me about the one you refuse to use but I don't know your main quirk." He asked me and I looked at him and told him to try and use his quirk, he was nervous but I told him he would be alright. So his finger glowed and before he released his quirk I activated mine, which caused his quirk to stop and he looked at me with confusion.

(Midoriya P.O.V)

I looked at my finger and saw that my quirk didn't activate, I turned and looked at Mr. Aizawa and saw that he didn't use his quirk so I turned over at Akira and saw that her quirk was activated, her hair was floating and her eyes glowed a color similar to my hair color. My eyes widened when I realized that she was erasing my quirk, I was amazed that she could do that but then my eyes widened bigger than they were before when I realized what her quirk was. "YOU AND MR. AIZAWA ARE RELATED?!?!" I shout and both nodded, I calmed down and she told me that she didn't want the others to know yet so I told her I won't tell anyone and she thanked me.

She changed and we then left and headed to my house to hang out, but what I didn't expect was weird moans coming from my room. I was confused but Akira's face was bright red and I was curious but Akira stopped me and she knocked on my bedroom door and both people shuffled, and then the door opened to reveal not only Mom but Kacchan's MOM?! All four of us were beat red and then Mom told us to go to the living room and we listened and I was mentally panicking since if Kacchan found out he might - no he will kill me.

"It's okay Izuku, you were bound to know about this. Although I wished your friend wasn't here but we all can't get what we want." Mom says and both her and Akira introduce themselves to each other, same with Mitsuki and both wore their regular clothes but both looked like sweaty messes. "Izuku both me and Mitsuki have been dating in secret for the past year, while for the past couple of months both her and Masaru have been going through a divorce but Katsuki doesn't know about any of this. We planned on telling you two when the divorce was finalized but since you heard us, you knew that something was up. Izuku you know that me and your Father haven't been together since you were a toddler, plus you haven't spoken to him in years so I'm sorry if I crushed your dreams of me and your Father getting back together but it isn't happening. I only know that he's alive with the alimony and child support he sends each week, but besides that he's dead to me." Mom explains and while I was a bit sad about her and Dad never getting back together I can clearly see that they love each, I thanked them for coming clean and I told them that I would accept them and both were glad.

"One down, one to go and if I know my brat he ain't going to be happy. Besides he's already getting suspicious since Masaru isn't home as much as he used to be, I know the reason but Katsuki doesn't and despite how he acts he does care about Masaru." Mitsuki says and I looked at the two and both began to talk, I looked over at Akira and saw that she was getting homework done. I sweatdropped at her but I giggled, Akira checked the time and said that she had to go. I nodded and told her to be careful, she understood and then left and Mom went to the kitchen to make dinner while Mitsuku went to my room to clean it from their 'activity'. Meanwhile I focused on my homework since yeah we were assigned homework on the first day of school, but it's easy so I didn't mind it.

Mitsuki left a bit later and everything was all good in our tiny home, but it got me thinking about two things. One was, what will Kacchan's reaction to the news since he is stubborn as hell. The second thing was is that will Akira tell anyone, I doubt it if anything she tells Mr. Aizawa and that'll be a warning to keep an eye on him for I don't know how long. I went to my now clean room and it smelled just like Mom's room, I then went to my drawer and sprayed my cologne lightly around the room. It then smelled like lilacs and honey, I didn't mind the scent but I rarely spray it since it tends to be too feminine to other people but I don't care. My phone then went off and I checked and saw that Akira texted me that she got home safely, which I was relieved since I should've walked her home to make sure she was alright but since she texted I was glad.

I changed into my pajamas and plugged my phone in. Today was an interesting first day of school and I was happy that I knew someone there.

Authors opinion: This was completed on February 6th, 2020. In this chapter we went over the first day at U.A and the dynamic between Mitsuki and Inko, I thought about that from a story I red a while ago which hasn't updated but they used this and I decided to use it when I was writing that for some reason but I went with it so I think that this story might get interesting if I say so. But I better go and until the next time bye

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