Back seat of a Grayhound Bus

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As she was looking out the small window on the bus she was on her mind wandered back to where she came from.  It hadn’t been that long since she had left but she simply couldn’t stay there any longer.

Suzanne had been working at the small diner since she was sixteen in that small town she called home.  It helped her parents put food on the table for her younger brother and sister as well as giving her something to do.  She really didn’t need to but it did help her family.  Her father worked as a hand at one of the local farms and her mother part time at the general goods store.  The high school she attended had all of maybe a hundred and fifty kids in all grades.  Most of them had grown up together and everyone knew everything about each other.

It was sometimes annoying since it seemed if you looked at someone else it was assumed that you liked them.  If you looked at someone of the same sex god the scandals and rumors would run rampant.  It normally didn’t last all that long till something else caught the class gossips attention and they would be off again.  That aspect of it she really hated at times since there had been a few rumors about her over the years.  Granted the last rumor or two had been true but it still grated on her nerves.

She sighed as the road rolled past and wished that there was something to look at but it was dark.  If there hadn’t been clouds in the sky she could have at least looked at the stars and moon.  Instead she leaned back and rubbed her stomach and smiled as another memory came back.

He was new in town and all the girls were nuts over him.  For some reason he had an almost ethereal look to him.  His hair was a long golden brown that flowed as he moved.  His eyes were a startling jewel-like emerald green.  His skin was pale and unblemished no matter how much time he spent in the sun.  His features were a chiseled almost elfin look if such things existed.  He was tall and slender and nice to virtually everyone.

With all the girls falling over themselves to get his attention she hadn’t understood why he had chosen her.  Almost from the day he arrived in town she had felt an almost connection with him.  It was something she had never felt before but it was like she had known him all her life.  Yes she had read most of the teen stories about ‘the perfect one’ for the main character but that simply wasn’t real.  How she had wished it had and heaven only knew she as most girls had dreamed of the right one but in this town it wasn’t happening.

That first day he had walked in she hadn’t slept well and in her opinion looked like hell.  Her hair seemed to know it was going to be a bad hair day and didn’t bother obeying the brush.  She looked tired and had slight shadows under her eyes.  On top of that she had realized her socks didn’t match and she had grabbed the wrong shirt and it had several paint stains on it.  Frankly she looked like a wreck.  Why he had looked at her and smiled she simply didn’t understand.

It wasn’t that she wasn’t pretty because she was but she was quiet and retiring.  Trying to be in the spot light wasn’t her thing and since she had long since planned on leaving she didn’t bother trying to be in the front of anything.  She was average height and had short dirty blond hair in a pixie cut that accentuated her face.  Her eyes were hazel with flecks of green in them.  She didn’t have the creamy skin of some of the ‘beauty’ queens since it was tanned from working outside on the weekends.

As far as her body for the longest time she had been a string bean but by the time he had arrived she had started filling out nicely.  She would never be some buxom bimbo thankfully but it was obvious she was female with all the right curves.  Within two weeks they were routinely being seen eating together much to the irritation of the ‘hot’ chicks.  What she had found really amusing was one or two of the guys were even jealous.  That they kept quiet to keep from being bullied or even beaten up for being ‘gay or different’.

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