The experiment

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AN:  The stories I am posting in here are simply a sampler of potential stories I might do down the road when I complete some of my other series.  I already have enough stories I am working on right now that if I added any more the stories would start sounding the same.

What I am looking for is comments on the samples to see which ones might catch some interest when I am ready to work on a different story.  As usual many of my stories will have both human's and non-human's in them.  There will be both fantasy and sci-fi elements to them as well.  Enjoy and let me know what you think.

The Experiment

As he slowly awoke he was feeling rather contented and comfortable.  It had been a good meeting the night before and afterwards they had celebrated the treaty with several rounds of drink.  Though they weren’t supposed to they had all brought a small flask of Shishka, a drink from their holdings.  Humans very rarely were allowed to drink it since it would have some rather odd effects on them.  The meeting had been about an arranged marriage between a lady of his family’s holding and a lord of their holding.

Both were of upper mid-level nobility and it was designed to stop the bickering between the courts.  The two had fallen madly in love with each other over a goodly length of time.  Rarely did the courts visit one or the other since that was only allowed for those deeply trusted.  Most all events were held in the human world which was a neutral ground for them.  In the case of the two lovers they both routinely dealt with each other in the human world.  When it was discovered that they were lovers she was taken back to the holding and given a geas not to leave the holding.  From what he understood much the same happened to the male.

Both courts, she was from the winter court and he the spring court, started blaming the other for allowing this.  Over time it had slowly grown from a he said/she said to minor skirmishes in both the human realm and in the fae’s realm.  After many years of the internecine fighting they had finally decided they had to resolve this issue.  It was a waste of fighters, money, and time.  That had also taken years to arrange and finally come to terms that both courts could live with hence the treaty.

The two lovers were to be allowed to continue seeing each other and the lord was to pay proper court to the lady.  All in all Alvon was quite pleased with the results and once the treaty had been signed peace was again in the air.  Once that was done he quickly greeted his distant cousin and gave him a good hug.  It had been years since he had seen Galon due to the stupid fighting. 

As he was thinking about this he rolled onto his back and gave a good stretch before rolling onto his other side.  He curled around a warm body that didn’t have a stitch of clothing on and he had to smile.  After the party he must have…  Suddenly his eyes popped open and he glanced around the room and froze.  This was not his hotel room and who in their right mind would stay in a place like this?  He knew what a prostitute was but had never had the need to pay for relief.  Though he wasn’t highest in rank he was fairly high up in the scheme of things and the Fae lady’s flocked around him.  In the human world they were drawn to his exotic look and charming demeanor.

As he searched his mind for memories of last night that might explain this he frowned.  The last thing he remembered was leaving the party since he had another meeting the next morning.  He couldn’t find any additional memories after that and before waking up here.  Though the room was dark he was able to see reasonably well thanks to his eyes.  This room was almost to rude for even a servant to live in.  Nobody in their court would live this way if they had any choice in the matter.

His eyes finally settled on the female and since there was only a sheet covering her he could see the shape of her body fairly well.  She wasn’t short for a human female though she was far shorter than he was.  Her hips appeared to be pleasantly wide and curved, narrower waist, and nicely rounded breasts.  He still had no idea who she was and how he ended up in her room.  This had to be her room since he always stayed at one of the hotels owned by the earth residing Fae.  They had their own holding but preferred to reside in the human world.  It was far more interesting than the holding as far as they were concerned.

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