A seeing eye wolf? - Completed

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Jed sat on top of a small rise that overlooked the pediatric hospital below and was staring at it. It had taken close to two weeks to figure out where he had been pulled to and it ended up being here. He wasn't sure why he had been pulled to this location but he had. Normally he was a fairly mellow wolf but by the time he had figured this out he was acting like a wolf with a sore tooth.

It had been bad enough his Alpha had pulled him aside and had a talk with him about it. That had not been anything he wanted since he rather liked not having the Alpha's attention on him. Being a junior wolf allowed him to come and go as he wanted and not worry about challenges for the most part. It also helped at work since he didn't have to keep a firm grip on his wolf when the humans did something stupid. The biggest issue he ran into was their urge to meet your eyes every time they spoke to you.

With a shake of his head he pulled his mind back from the woolgathering. He needed to get inside the hospital but they had strong security and the idea of just saying 'I need to look for someone' wouldn't float. He would be arrested or at the very least detained which would definitely get his Alpha's attention and his tail chewed off. What he needed to do was to figure out how to get inside so he could wander and find out who was drawing him.

As far as it being his mate he knew better than that since he hadn't been close enough to scent her. Combine that with the sheer number of scents coming from there the chances of scenting her were nill. No, this was a different sort of pull and it really confused him. Someone in there needed him but why they did he had no idea.

With a huff he went back to staring at the entrance and parking lot. When a brown van pulled in he couldn't help but eyeball it and snort again. That was rather wrong having a brown van pull up to a pediatrics hospital. There was some wording on the side but from this distance even with his excellent eyes he couldn't read them. Since nothing else was drawing his attention he focused on the van and then had to lift his head and stare. Some lady opened the back up and gathered up some leashes for five or six dogs. They all had some type of red vest on and appeared to be well trained.

Once she was out of the van several others came over and took one dog each and they started heading towards the entrance. Now that was interesting and he kept watching as the dogs were lead into the hospital without being bothered. Jed didn't even think twice before he stood and slipped down the hill. He took his time since the last thing he wanted was someone to call animal control on him. He could easily get away from them but if he was spotted around here they would put out extra guards.

When he finally made it to the edge of the parking lot he crouched down behind a bench and using all his senses checked the area. Eventually he found the moment he needed and the lot was virtually empty of people. With one last glance around he dashed out and slipped between two vehicles. Making it to the van wasn't hard but actually reading the words was a pain. Wolf eyes weren't designed for reading but eventually he had an idea what they said.

From what he could tell this van was from a service that provided service animals. They also brought animals to the hospital for the kids to play with. Now that was a perfect way to get in. It would take some research but he could figure out how to do it. It was something he needed to do quickly though he wasn't sure why. It was just there in the back of his mind that the time constraints were getting short.

Jed started to move away when an idea came to him. Since he was in the parking lot he might as well act like a dog and take a good sniff around. The fact that he was larger than any dog due to what he was wasn't a problem. With the pack magic people tended to see what they wanted when they looked at a wolf. Usually they were seen as some sort of northern sled dog or one of the wolf hybid's out and about. The fact that he was over two hundred pounds just didn't seem to click. There had been one time when someone had seen him as a Leonburger which was a massive dog from Germany.

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