Twisted Magical Girl - My 2014 nanowrimo teaser

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A twisted Magical Girl story

Sam wasn’t all that pleased with his father’s new duty station.  Just before his father had transferred he and Sam’s mother separated.  His younger sister ended up with their mother and he ended up with his father.  Normally he wouldn’t really care except in this case his father had been stationed in Japan.  Since he was a line officer he was stationed aboard the only carrier home ported at Yokosuka. 

With that duty station his father was going to be gone a good percentage of the year on both short and long underway deployments.  Sam had been enrolled in the international boarding school for his senior year.  Thankfully the school primarily used English though Japanese and Kanji were mandatory classes.  The students were a mixed bag from a number of countries including Japan.

That alone was sometimes enough to give him a headache since trying to figure out what the students and teachers were saying was a pain.  It wasn’t that they couldn’t speak decent English but that their accent and pronunciation was strange.  For example with the Japanese they simply couldn’t pronounce ‘L’ sounds.  It simply wasn’t a sound they grew up with so if someone was named Lewellyn it was pronounced Ruwerryn.  Added to that many of the students used the grammar from their base tongue instead of English grammar rules. 

Dan was thinking about this as he was walking out the entrance to the dorm section of the school.  School had gotten out a short time ago and they were free to leave the grounds as long as they were back by seven PM.  Dan had quickly changed out of the silly uniform into some comfortable cloths and hurried out the gate.  The uniform was something he had to get used to as well.  He had watched a number of anime’s but didn’t honestly think they really did the school uniforms.  When he had arrived that had been proven wrong and he was rather ticked off by having to wear one.

At least he could wear regular cloths after school hours while off campus.  On campus you either had to be in the school uniform or the gym uniform.  For the gym uniform it was only in the dorm or while exercising.  About the only advantage he could see was you didn’t have to think about what you were going to wear.  Also all the uniforms had your name somewhere inside and simply went into a laundry hamper.  All you had to do was go and pick the clean uniforms up on the correct day and put them away.

As he was walking along he stopped at a street vendor and purchased a couple of mystery meat on a stick.  They were really good and he wanted something to tide him over till dinner time.  What he wanted was some snakage material to keep in his room.  In theory they weren’t supposed to but as long as you kept it secured and any crumbs removed it was allowed.  Sam had to mentally snicker to himself.  Some of the things they had as snacks were very odd such as squid chips, octopus chips, seaweed, and others.  It had taken him several weeks to find ones he liked.

Once he was done with the meat he tossed the skewers in a trash can and kept going.  As he turned a corner something tripped him and he almost face planted.  It was by sheer luck he had managed to keep on his feet.  When he turned and looked at what had tripped him he blinked.  It was an old rusted crowbar which was about a foot and a half long and made of iron.  “How the hell did that trip me?  It doesn’t weight that much.” 

Just out of curiosity Sam leaned over and picked it up to see if it was glued down.  It wasn’t and it didn’t seem to weight quite as much as he expected.  As he was looking at it he felt a sudden surge of static electricity from it.  “Yow, that hurt!  Fuck what the hell caused that?”  He tried to drop the crowbar but it was stuck to his hand and the feeling of electricity was surging up his arm and into his body.  A flare of colored light surrounded him and it felt like he was starting to float.

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