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Seokjin had invited Jungkook to his apartment one Friday night.

They had a quiet evening of being together, cooking dinner and watching films in each others arms.

It was peaceful, until Taehyung had crashed in the middle of their date.

He forcefully made his way in between the two lovers, acting as if he had done nothing wrong.

Seokjin and Jungkook gave each other wary looks but Seokjin reassured him it was his nature.

He had plans to tell Taehyung, but the truth was... Jin was a coward.

He had many opportunities to go and tell Taehyung his secret.

But that little voice in the back of his head always managed to get in the way.

This was causing a rift between Seokjin and Jungkook.

Jungkook wanted their relationship to be out in the open and freely express his love.

It was annoying to have to do things on the down-low and act as if they were really close friends.

Taehyung was also starting to be a problem.

He would weasel his way into their plans and tag along on their "dates".

It was difficult for Jin to say "no", so he just let come, much to Jungkook's displeasing.

There was a decision in the back of Jungkook's mind that he didn't know if he should take.

It was obvious that Seokjin wasn't ready to come out, then maybe they weren't ready to be in a relationship.

He had grown immense feelings for Seokjin, but he knew there were still inner conflicts he had to deal with on his own.

They both need space.

He needed to voice out his feelings and get an opinion about it.

He went to the person he knew best, Jimin.

Jimin being both their best friends, listened to Jungkook's issues with his relationship and the interference of Taehyung.

It was a surprise to him that Taehyung had suddenly become clingy to Seokjin.

In the recent years, Taehyung would be doing his own thing and not involving himself into Seokjin's personal life as he was busy being a lone wolf and find some of things Jin did annoying.

He's jealous someone is taking his best friend away from him. His intentions are probably harmless, plus Jin had gotten rid of those romantic feelings, Jimin thought to himself.

Jimin wanted nothing but the best for Seokjin. He reassured Jungkook that he needs to be more patient and be supportive of him.

Jungkook heard him out, he went back home and looked out at the night sky for a few hours.

Different scenarios came to mind.

Is it better to stay or is it better to leave the relationship?

He took a deep breath and had to come to a final conclusion.

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