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After that day, Jin couldn't get Jungkook off his mind.

Something about him...

He payed little attention to Taehyung's activities nowadays.

He thinks this may finally be his chance to move on.

Today, he and Jimin were set to meet up again at the cafe again, which has now become their hangout spot.

"Where you going?" Taehyung asked, leaning on the kitchen counter with his spoon hanging out his mouth.

"I'm hanging out with Jimin." Jin said not looking up as he was putting on his coat and grabbing his bag.

Taehyung said nothing more as Jin walked out.

He sighed still looking at the door.

"Oh my god Jimin!" He gasped as he just heard the news that came out of Jimin's mouth.

"I know! It's kinda shocking, but it happened and I'm so glad it did!" He smiled.

"Who asked who out?"

"Namjoon did. He confessed his feelings and said if he knew took the chance I'd never know of his feelings or he'd live in regret of not telling me."

"A wise man. I wish I could do that." Seokjin sighed and he threw his body on the sofa.

Jimin saw the sad look on Seokjin's face and held his hand, "Hey, any guy would be lucky to have you. I know it hurts but you need to let go of Taehyung, he's as blind of a mice not to see what's in front of him plus there are plenty of other fish in the sea as they say."

Seokjin smiled and cuddled into Jimin, "I know. Slowly but surely I'm getting over him. I can't keep hoping on something unrealistic."

They continued talking and as a man entered the cafe.

He makes his way and orders his drink. He looks around and spots two very familiar people.

"Jimin!" He shouts.

The two males jumped out of fright and see that it was Jungkook.

"Jesus christ you ass! You almost gave us a heart attack!"

"Sorry, I just excited seeing you two. I didn't mean to be that loud. Hi Seokjin." He said as he took a seat right next to him.

"Hmm sounds like my cue to leave. Bye!" Jimin waved as he let go of Seokjin.

Seokjin yelps as it was now just him and Jungkook.

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