Why me?

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Hawks P.O.V

Hi I'm Hawks, aka the number two hero,aka the winged hero, aka the man who's too fast for his own good, aka the man who just wants a god damn break. I never wanted to be a hero you see it all started when I was five and saved a family from a car wreck, they decided I had to be a hero. Therefor they payed for everything my parents needed and sent me off to the government to become a hero.

I don't really remember anything from when I lived with my parents all I have is an endeavor plushie they gave me. However I wish I didn't remember living in that government facility. I basically lived in a small cold cramped cell and I only ever got out to train or for them to see how much pain I could endear. In all my free time I became an endeavor fan, some may go as far to say a fanboy, I admired him for how hard he always worked to surpass all might. However the workers did let me go to high school with other kids.

It was fun and exciting of course but there's really one thing I remember, well person.  Touya Todoroki, my first and only boyfriend. He was perfect, good looking, strong, nice my dream guy really. But one day he just went missing, there was no search for him no reports he wasn't even on the news. The only thing I have to remember of him is a photo I keep in my nightstand. Yea I know how weird that sounds but it's not that weird to keep a picture of your old boyfriend, who went missing in high school, In your nightstand. And it's not that abnormal to look at it when I feel like giving up on everything, I'm not weird right?

I really only have one friend, miruko and we've been besties since high school. People always think we're a couple but we're just friends since I'm SUPER gay and
she says she isn't into "animals" (even though she's a bunny herself).
I never have any time to relax or have free time because I'm always super busy with patrols and I do some modeling ever here and there. But at the end of the day I just want to come home to someone and complain about how nothing happened on patrol, eat a nice home cooked dinner (although eating kfc isn't so bad), and go to bed with someone I love. Is that really too much to ask for? Instead I come home after having a super busy patrol to an empty house, eat leftover kfc, watch trashy tv and fall asleep hugging a pillow.

Anyways my boss wants to meet with me about some top secret mission that'll take up even more of my time. Oh I just can't wait it'll be sooooo much fun to get even less sleep. Although I can't help to wonder what's so secret that I can't even tell miruko about it. Oh well guess I'll see right, I'm just praying it won't be some long undercover mission.

Authors note:
This is the first fanfiction I've ever written so it may not be the greatest but I decided Wattpad needed some more hotwangz stories so I'm making one. Feel free to leave any criticism or ideas for the story. (Word count 574 including authors note)

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