I live with my dog, she joked in her head. It wasn't a question she had learned to answer right away. In fact, it was one that constantly rose a red flag. Men only seemed to ask that question for three reasons, to come back and rob you, to make sure nobody would miss you if you didn't come home, or to see if you were single. She prayed it was the latter. There was no energy for any other option.

Her little emeralds she called eyes met up with his. Imagining them as daggers, she poked them at him,  "Why do you ask?"

He held up a hand, "If looks could kill! I was just wondering."

Her body didn't ease, "Why?"

Daniel kept his attention locked on her, "Well if you have either a boyfriend or husband, the last thing I need is for you to show up in my truck.  And a brother might beat me up for not having you home before eight." He laughed at himself, "I'm just trying to be considerate."

Leah tried not to Crack a smile. If he was being honest, it was a nice gesture to assume she wasn't single as can be. And even if she lived with her grumpy older brother,  he could care less if she came home late, or at all.

"No I don't live with either of those." She swallowed and watched the stoplight turn green, "I live alone." Very alone, so alone, no deadly alone- except for dear old Beo. No boyfriend,  husband or any other man.

"Oh, I see." The truck moved forwards, resuming it's rattling roll over the asphalt.

"Hey, why didn't you ask if I lived with my father? Aren't fathers supposed to be protective of their little girls?"

Daniel kept his eyes on the road, "Cause I know he hates you."

Her head snapped in an uncomfortable position, moisture in her mouth drying up, "What did you say?"

"He hates you for what you did."

Leah felt a shaking in her back. Her heart beat increased and her palms began to sweat. She stared at him, bold eyes preparing to either tear him a new one or cry, or maybe both. "Why, why would you say that?"

"Say what?"

"Just now," her lip trembled.

Daniel turned to her, rolling the steering wheel as he pulled the truck to the side of the road, "Why are you shaking?" He furrowed his brows, watching her closely.

Leah looked down at her hands. They were sweaty, shaking vigorously. Her Whole body had an achy tremble moving through it. Instantly her face grew hot and her eyes felt like dams about to burst. She blinked rapidly attempting to stabilize her emotions. "I-I guess I'm still a little shaken up."

"I didn't even think, so do you?"

"Excuse me?"

"You asked me why I didn't ask if you lived with your father and I said I didn't even think, so do you?"

"Oh no," she gulped, "I live alone."

The past and the horror it was, seemed to be winning that night. But it was clashing with her two day nightmare. She needed them to coil back into their dark little corners and leave her alone.

"Are you going to be okay tonight?"

She let the air drain from her, "I should, I mean yeah, I'll be fine."

He didn't reply to her, but from the corner of her eye she could see his chest puff up again before he pulled the truck away from the curb. He probably thinks I'm nuts.


When the sight of her illuminated porch came into view, she didn't know if she could jump for joy or cringe. The feeling she got wasn't as relieving as she expected. Spoiled. Her home sweet home was spoiled and tainted and she gathered her purse, she wished she lived some place else. Leah unbuckled her seat bet and watched as his leg shook from side to side, "Well, thank you."

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