"Well it will be soon. Travis should be here any minute, then youll be on your way."

Leah straightened her face, setting the wipe on top of its package before undressing a bandage. Her fingers spread it down against her skin firmly, setting off just a drip of pain. It was nothing she hadn't felt before and couldn't compare to her ordeal. She Patted on it, "Thanks for coming to my rescue."

Daniel smirked, "Next time you hit a deer just give me a call."

"Hopefully there won't be a next time. I don't come out here-- ever."

"Why not?"

Her eyes beamed at him. The rays of light from his truck lit up every hair in his dark five o'clock shadow and turned his brown eyes orange. He watched her with anticipation. She knew the truth might turn his smirk into a straight face, and it might even send him back to his truck. "It's just not for me."

"Well, what's so special about Channing?"

For starters, nothing was ever special about her home town. It was just a place where trees grew and people lived. Nothing interesting ever happened and if they did it was all across the evening news. It was just her home sweet home. At least it used to be. Now it was just another city tainted in the ugliest shade of purple she'd ever seen.

"It's home," she said trying to convince him as well as herself.

"Yeah okay I get it." Daniel stood straight off the car and peeked down the road. "One man's home might be another mans..."

"Nightmare," Leah filled in the space promptly and scrunched her brows. She bit her lip and dropped her line of sight to her boots, clicking them on the bumper.

Her mind flashed an image, a foggy one at that. There was rain pouring on the greenest blades of grass as they stuck out of pools of mud. Each drop seemed to play a note in a tragic song. The sky was dark gray, cloudy and thunder roared in the background. Somewhere behind her the sound of a siren squealed. They were on their way...

Leah sat straight only to find him giving her a look that concerned her. Maybe she shouldn't have filled in the sentence. It wasn't school, it was a dark road. Her jaw quivered uncontrollably as the air began to grow frosty. Her voice cracked, "Sorry."

He shook his head, "Don't be. Hey do you want to wait in my truck? It's getting pretty cold out here."

Her back tensed. It was a nice gesture for him to offer, but the reality was that she didn't know him and wasn't sure if she should get in the truck with him. A cold gust blew by giving her chills. Her lips parted as her mind tried at a few choice words, "It's not that cold."

Guilt hit her square in the noggin again. She immediately wished she was more in the trusting mood and just agreed. Daniel rose a brow, "Alright I get it. " He stepped in front of her dangling feet, "At least let me get my jacket out the truck for you."

Not even a foot away, her nose picked up his body cologne and she couldn't help but curl at his offer. Nodding, her hormones jiggled, "Sure."

"Good, I'll be right back. And I'll give Travis another call." He bopped and began a long stepped walk to his truck. In seconds he was inside searching for what she hoped was a clean, non stinky coat.

She squeezed her arms across her chest and watched his silhouette in the windshield. From all the searching he had to do she guessed he didn't keep the interior as clean as the outside of the truck. Even in the dark she could see a natural shine to the red coat. Men and their vehicles.

The sound of a click and the instant decrease of light around her caused her eyes to widen. She dropped her jaw when she saw the headlights had been dimmed. Maybe it's to conserve the battery.

A crackle in the night came almost too soon after. Immediately her heart flung into a frenzy.  Leah looked around for any sound of a nocturnal critter. Her Eyes were still adjusting when another snap sounded,  followed by another. She slipped off the trunk and stared into the direction it had come from.

Bases of trees were all she saw at first against the background of the night. But As She pushed her eyes to stare more, a figure grew more distinct. It was dark and while it didn't quite resemble a person, it was large, opaque and quickly made her feel threatened. The Nerves in her stomach began to twitch. She watched without movement and her chest barely moved as she silently tried to convince herself to stay calm and not move.

Be still, she ordered to her shaking knees. They listened, but the figure did not. It darted from behind one tree to another, snapping fallen sticks beneath it. Her throat dried up. Before she could swallow it moved again.  This time it moved forward and that was when she broke the order to be still.

Without thinking, Leah was in a blitz to get to the big shiny truck. The soles of her boots smacked against the ground hard and by the time her hand yanked the handle, her legs felt wobbly. She climbed inside and locked the door like it was a known vehicle, somewhat afraid to peek out the window.

"Ah! What's wrong?" Daniel popped his upper body from behind her seat,  pulling a coat up with him.

Leah felt sick. She geared up some courage and finally gawked out the window with her heart beating against its cage. Her body shook and on top of the panic, the embarrassment nested in on her shoulders. Warmth bled out her eyes while an overwhelmed head squeezed. She looked over at him,  "I'm sorry." Her voice cracked and she turned away before a tear fell down her cheek. "I'm a mess, I can't even sit in the dark without..." Her voice trailed off and she hunched forwards. A silent sob racked her chest.

Madness. What she was experiencing had to be pure unfiltered madness.

Daniel lowered his voice, "You don't have to apologize to me. I'm a nobidy, who am I to judge?"

She wiped her eyes, "I feel like I'm going nuts. I just want to sleep until this is all over."

"You know, when I'm having a really bad day I like to sleep it off. So you aren't alone there."

"I'd have to sleep for days, or weeks."

"That sounds idealistic."

She turned and smirked with puffy eyes, grateful he'd even appeared. Daniel draped the coat over her shoulders, "You know, I could always take you home and give Travis the location. You look like you need a change of scenery. "

A lump in her throat was forced down as she swallowed. The image of her bed covered in pillows and blankets was so inviting.  It looked like comfort. She could see herself climbing under the blankets and feel the fluffy comforter. But the love and enjoyment was cut short. Suddenly all she could imagine were snakes everywhere. Goosebumps covered her skin and she shifted in her seat.

"Are you alright?"

She met his stare with desperate eyes, "I don't know. I just don't want to be here anymore. "


A savior! I know this was a short chapter, but what did you think about it? ☆ it!

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