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I woke up the next day hungry. Diamond was passed on naked on the couch. Don't get me into why.

"Eh Rocky." I said.


"I'm hungry as fuck." I said.

"Me too. I thought my appetite would've been messed up from her doing that naked dance-"

"Stop Rocky...I cant unsee it." I said.

"Smelling like fish." Rocky said making me laugh.

"Let's wake her up."

"No,  why would we do that?" Rocky asked.

"We can get her to get us some food. We can try to escape or something." I said.

"Okay." He said nodding.

"DIAMOND!" I yelled.

"Diamond wake up!" Rocky yelled.

"Huh?" She said yawning.

"We're hungry get us some food." I said.

"You can eat this pussy." Diamond said.

"I don't want seafood I want breakfast."

I laughed.

Diamond got up and smacked us both. "Don't talk about me."

"You're lucky I'm in cuffs." I said.

"Seriously Diamond. We're hungry." Rocky said.

"Fine I guess." She said putting her hand out.

"What?" I said.

"The money baby boy." She said.

"Bitch I-"

"Don't call me a bitch!" Diamond said.

"I'm in handcuffs! How am I supposed to give you money?"

"Dumb ass." Rocky said.

"Guess I can't get food with no money."

I rolled my eyes and sighed. "I have money in my wallet. On the tv stand in my room." I said.

"Fine." She said.

She went to my room and came back with the wallet. She started counting the money and smiled.

"Wow...1000 bucks." She said. She smiled "I'll be back daddies.

"You're gonna leave the house naked?"

She nodded. "My clean clothes are in the car. Niggas love seeing my body. Maybe I can fuck someone on the way to Mickey D's."

I gagged. "Okay.."

She walked up to me and kissed my cheek. "Bye daddy."

She left out and Instantly me and Rocky tried to get up. She came back in. We sat down.

"What the fuck were y'all doing?"

"Damn Diamond we have to pee." I said grabbing the bucket.

"Oh..ok sorry. I got the gas going. Y'all will be knocked out in a few minutes." She smiled.

She walked out.

We tried to get up. Our legs were cuffed to each other. Rocky's was attached to the couch.  "Aria!!"


"Diamonds gone.  we gotta find a way to escape before we pass out from the gas." I said.

"Okay..Cmon Tommy."

"Let me try to reach my camera I can upload something to YouTube."

"You have internet on the camera?"

I nodded. "I can upload it on my computer we just have to reach."

I grabbed the bottoms of the couch and pulled it. I reached for my camera.I started to record.

"All my supporters I need your help..."

I told them everything. I uploaded it in just in am out of time. I passed out like 20 minutes later. I woke up and saw Diamond. She was chewing gum holding. A McDonald's bag.

"What?" I asked.

She smacked on her gum. "Are you serious?"


"That little video."  Diamond said.

I looked around and saw a ton of people.

"Oh shit." Rocky said.

I saw a bat in someone's hand.

"Why would you leave this nigga alone?" Someone asked Diamond.

"I thought I could trust him but I obviously can't." She said.

"After we beat your ass, were taking you somewhere new under my control." Someone said.

He grabbed the bat and hit me in my knees. They kept hitting mewith it until I blacked out. I could hear Aria screaming. This is awful.

Kiddos|Jabezvill Love Story {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now