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Dinner was so awkward the whole time Hannah was staring at me.

"This is so good mom." Jabez said.

"Yeah it is." Rocky said.

"Typical Rocky always having the same taste as his older brother." Hannah said.

Jabez laughed making Rocky clear his throat.

"I know right." Cecilia laughed. "He's always followed his brother on everything."

My mom laughed. "I remember!"

"Remember Rocky had a crush on Alessia just like Jabez!" Cecilia laughed. "They liked Asia too." She laughed again.

Jabez, Rocky and I all widened our eyes. "Mom that's enough." Rocky said

"Oh you know I kid!!!" Cecilia said.

Everyone laughed awkwardly except Hannah.

"Rocky why do you always want Jabez's girls?" Tommy asked.

"Okay why is this about me?" Rocky asked.

Don laughed. "Leave Rocky alone."

"Yeah I mean Andre does the same thing!" Rocky said.

"Oh lord." I whispered.

"This is getting good." Aria said pulling her phone out.

"You all chill." Cecilia said.

"No mom, let them settle this." Hannah laughed. "Continue."

"I don't steal Jabez's girls he takes mine." Andre said.

"I don't. Everyone knows you like Asia."

My jaw dropped. "I-"

"Wow everyone loves my baby." My mom said.

"I guess so." Cecilia said laughing. "She is gorgeous."

"Thank you miss C." I said.

"Rocky seems to think so too." Hannah said.

This bitch.

"This seems a little tense. Let's move on."

God that was so awkward. After dinner we all sat and played Jenga. Cecilia ended up making it fall.

"Oh dang it." Cecilia said.

We all looked awkward except our moms.  Soon our moms went upstairs. Tommy and Aria started kissing as usual.

"You guys make me sick." Makayla said.

Hannah laughed. "I missed you Kay Kay."

"I missed you to Han." Makayla said smiling.

I rolled my eyes. Rocky scooter closer to me which made me get up. I sat by Makayla.

"So.." Jabez said.

"This is kind of boring." Don said.

"Yeah." Rocky said.

"Let's go to Chipotle. Get some food." Jabez said.

"We just ate." Aria said.

"Actually do you guys wanna go to a party?" Makayla asked.

"Yeah lets get lit." Jabez said.

"Jabez do you think you should be partying?" I asked.

"Bitch chill out." Hannah said making everyone laugh while I rolled my eyes.


We went to the party. God this night has been so awkward for me. Hannah's making everything miserable.

I looked around and saw Diamond. I rolled my eyes and walked to Jabez. "What is she doing here?" I said which made Hannah laugh.

"Just to hang out. She said she was bored."

I don't give a fuck if she's bored. I thought in my head.

"Jabez..she's your ex." I whispered

"I know but you know nothing was serious." Jabez said.

Diamond walked over and greeted everyone. I could tell Don,Tommy and Andre were pissed. She hugged Jabez. "Oh I'm so glad you're okay." Diamond said smiling. "Hi Asia."

I rolled my eyes and said nothing.

"What's her problem?" Diamond said walking away with Jabez.

"Awe what's wrong? Are you mad?" Hannah asked.

"What is your problem with me?"

"I want what's best for my brother. You will destroy him." She walked away and talked with Makayla.

Ooh I can't wait to tell Makayla she's a fake ass bitch.

I went in and sat by Aria. For once she wasn't all over Tommy.

"What's wrong sis?" Aria asked.

"Nothing..nothing." I said

"Look I think Jabez will be fine. You have to let him live. I know seeing him like that was hard." Aria said rubbing my arm. "Why aren't you with him though?"

"I can ask you the same thing about Tommy." I said.

She rolled her eyes. "His friend that's a girl is all over him. I trust him but I'm getting jealous."

"Girl you better get your man back." I said.

"You better get yours too. Diamond is obsessed with him. You know she almost killed someone?"

"Yes I know. That bitch is crazy." I said.

"So why aren't you doing anything?" Aria asked.

I looked over towards Hannah who was staring me down. "It's complicated."

"Not that complicated. I'll talk to her. You talk to Tommy's friend." Aria said.

"Aria I don't think that's my place." I said.

Aria rolled her eyes. "We only live once." Aria said getting up. "I'll be back."

Aria went to diamond. I couldn't hear what she was saying but it ended with her throwing a drink at her face.

Jabez walked over to me. He sat by me and laid on my shoulder. "I'm honestly tired as fuck."

"Me too." I said.

"You wanna go home?" Jabez said.

"If you wan-"

"Jabez control your girlfriend and sister. These bitches are crazy." Diamond said.

"Wait what?" Jabez asked.

"Oh bitch I'm crazy?! You tried to murder your ex. You're not about to murder my future brother in law."

Everyone gasped.

"How dare you! You don't know me. Stay in your lane freshmen."

"I'm a junior-"

"Who the fuck do you think you're talking to? Not my baby sis. Now I don't care if you tried to murder someone you don't play with my sister." Makayla said.

"Who the fuck are you?" Diamond asked.

"I'm their older sister, now what's good?"

"I'm outta here." Diamond said.

"Who even invited this bitch?" Aria asked.

"Come on y'all it's time to go." Hannah said.

Kiddos|Jabezvill Love Story {Completed}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora