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Jabez's jaw dropped. I shook my head. "Absolutely not. I'm on the pill. Jabez uses condoms there's no way." I looked at Jabez who's mouth was damn near on the ground. "Jabez!!" I said. He looked at me. "Ugh.."

"Yeah imma head out." Aria said.

"I'll see you later?"

"Yeah next time I come I'm bringing tests."

"Noooo. You're not because I'm not pregnant." I said opening the door.

Aria left. I went to my room and Jabez sat on my bed speechless. "Are you gonna talk? You're acting like I'm actually pregnant." He looked up at me. "We don't know. It would make since that you're sick."

"I told you I think I'm just stressed." I said.

"And if you're pregnant with my baby-"

"I'm not."

"I don't want you to be stressed." He said looking at me. I put my head down. "I think I know my body."

"You've never been pregnant before. If you are I have to put a ring on you." He said.

"Woah woah woah. No..you don't. That won't be necessary because I'm not pregnant." I said.

"Take a test." Jabez said.

"No." I said. I got up. "I'm not pregnant!"

"So take a test then I'll pay." He said.

I rolled my eyes. "You're doing the most right now. I literally keep telling you I'm not."

"Then it should come negative." He said. 

"Fine I'm staying home."

"No you're coming. We made this baby together." 

"Bruh." I said.

He took me to CVS. I sat and waited. "Asia get up." I sighed. "Can you just get these fucking tests." I said.

"Okay grouchy. I forgot the hormones."

"I'm not fucking pregnant!" I said making everyone look at me. I got up. "Meet me in the car." I said taking his keys.

He came back outside and handed me the test. I rolled my eyes. My phone buzzed. It was Aria. "TELL ME WHY!!!! I just heard your DAD talking to mom saying we need to tell her. I know he's your dad and all but he's doing tooo much acting like he's my dad and shit."

I sighed. That's because he is your dad. I texted her back to stay calm and stuff.

"You know I think you are pregnant." He said.

I sighed. "Why?" I asked.

"The symptoms." He said.

"Okay and?!" I asked.

"Plus...when we were having sex the other day. Remember I took the condom off."

"No." I said.

"Yeah you were focused on how good it was feeling-"


"Anyways I let some in on accident. You didn't even notice."

"Jabez what?!" I said.

"It was like pre-cu-"

"Jabez I get it okay."

"I'm sorry."

"It's whatever. I'm not pregnant."

When I got home I went straight to my from and Jabez came and ran to me. "No..no...no."

I rolled my eyes. "What?!"

"Cmon take the test."

I got scared. "What if I am pregnant?" I asked.

"Then we'll take care of them."

"I don't know about getting married yet. I know you wanna do that if I'm pregnant."

"Well yeah."

I sighed. "This is gonna be so stressful." I said.

"It's not." He said.

"I have basketball to think about."

"Yeah that's true but we will figure those things out." He said.

I grabbed the test and took. I sat on the ground and waited. Those were the longest two minutes of my life.

"You wanna look or I look?" He asked.

"Um let's look at the same time." I said.

I grabbed the test. "Close your eyes."

"Okay let's count to 3." Jabez said.

"No 10."

"Fine 10.

He counted to 10 and we both opened. I'm pregnant. I gasped. "Oh my gosh." Jabez smiled. "I'm gonna be a dad."

My phone started ringing. I answered.

"We have the same dad?!!!" Aria yelled.

Kiddos|Jabezvill Love Story {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now