"Here. Drink this, Natalya." Logan said giving her the glass of water. He handed one to Joseph to help Ace in drinking it.

"But I want brownies." She whined and realization hit me.

"ShIt! Brownies! I think those were pot brownies. Only Natalya and Ace ate those." I looked at the table to see all the brownies gone.

Yup! Now the whole school is probably fuCking high.

"I think its better if we just get out from here." Isaac suggested.

"But we can't take her back to her home. Adrian would fuCking flip out." I voiced out.

"I'll take her home with me." Elo said as she tried to get away from Ace and Natalya who were messing with her hair.

"Isn't Cole home?" Charli narrowed her eyes at Elo who glared at her in return.

"She's not sleeping at yours." I growled.

"I would've taken her with me but as you can see I have to take care of Ace whose equally trash." Charli said looking at us with apologetic look.

"I'm taking her with me." I said, moving closer to Natalya.

"Why the fuCk would she stay with you?!" Logan growled, stepping closer to me.

"What the fuCk are you gonna do about it?" I challenged him.

He came forward but Joseph stopped him and Isaac stepped in front of me.

"What the fuCk is wrong with you two?!" Elo asked as she looked between me and Logan. We were glaring at each other. "Logan, Natalya's been to his house a few times. And Margot and Ethan knows her well. I think it will be better if she stays the night at his place."

Logan looked between me and her before storming away from here.

Joseph sighed before looking at us. "I'd like to stay more but he's my ride home. I guess I'll see you on Monday." And he went after his shitTy brother.

I looked at my friends. "I'm taking her with me. Isaac you know what to do." He nodded his head.

I took Natalya's hand in mine. She gasped before looking at our friends. "What are you doing? They're gonna know about us." My eyes widened at what she thought was a whisper but in reality she almost fuCking yelled.

"Wait wait wait. What's she talking about?" Charli asked looking between me and Natalya.

"We're hidi-" Before she could do something she would definitely regret tomorrow, I bend down and threw her over my shoulder.

"I'll see you guys later." I managed to say and almost ran out of the school with her on my shoulder.

"Wow. Craze, I'm seeing things in different way." She said. "Hey, I see someone's butt really close to me!"

"That's mine." I chuckled.

"Can I touch it? Is it like bubble? Will it pop?" I laughed at her. Drunken Natalya, is definitely a Natalya I wouldn't see everyday.

"No you fuCking can't right now. But you can touch it at home." I smirked, hearing her giggle.

I quickly settled her down on the passenger seat. I round up the car and got inside. I cranked up the engine and began driving to my house.

"Do you know that I love my brother?" She asked with her eyes slightly close.

"I know." I smile.

"My dad?"

"I know."


"Rome?" I asked.

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