"I fucking know how to walk, who do you think I am? A toddler that needs help in walking?" I flinch, his voice was higher than mine, scarier even considering the cold look he gave me when he said it.

"You're such a nuisance, I don't even know why I married you, can you just leave me alone." He says this out loud.
He's never talked to me like this, even when he started getting this drunk after we got married, it hurts me to hear him say that. It feels like a knife was cutting it's way through my heart.

Now in the living room I still try to help him get on the couch, he yanks me back and I fall on the floor. I wince as the floor gets in contact with my butt. In instinct I hold my stomach. I think I've already started being super duper protective. Motherhood has started kicking in.

"Ok fine, do what you fucking want, I don't care about what you want anymore." I cry because this is happening to us. We were so in love, I don't what happened to us, what happened to him. He changed so much, I can hardly recognise who he is right now.

"Don't. Raise. Your. Voice. At. Me." He says each word on clenched teeth, taking very domineering steps towards me, now back on the couch, him standing close to the coffee table.

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