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"Hikari, where are you?"



"You can't come here anymore."

"What? What are you saying?"

"Goodbye, Sora..."

"No, don't leave! Hikari!"

"I'm sorry, it has to be this way..."

Sora bolted awake from his sleep, breathing heavily with sweat running down his face. What was that? Everything was dark, only voices could be heard.

His and Hikari's.

He didn't like it, not one bit.

So far for the past couple of weeks, hes been visiting in and out of that realm to visit her. So far he succeeded in making her open up to him little by little. He noticed how shy she was at first, barely even looking at him in the eye at times. She would also keep her distance from him, so he had to coax her into coming closer.

'But what did she mean it had to be that way?' Sora thought. 'Even if I couldn't see her, she sounded so broken when she said that. Is that even real? Will it come true?'

The brunette shook his head at the thought, as if it was absurd. There was no way she was going to leave him, she was his friend! He won't leave a friend behind.

'That reminds me of the time she looked so sad and her...crying.' Somehow, the thought of her looking like that upset him. He wanted her smiling instead, it suited her. There were times he got the girl to smile, some of them reaching her eyes and meant it. Others seemed like it was forced or it was sad, as if burdened by something.

Sora never really pushed her into telling him about her past, he had a hunch it wasn't his place to ask yet but it was making him curious. Maybe the next time they meet up he'll ask? Maybe.

He laid back down and stared at the ceiling. His eyes were slowly drooping down and before he knew it, he fell back asleep.

With Hikari...

Hikari laid down on the ground, staring up at the night sky. Apparently, it does become night time over there, as if going along with time in the outside.

She stared and counted the stars, connecting some of them to make a constellation of some-sort.

It was peaceful to her, it was times like these that she appreciated being alone sometimes. Sure, she appreciated having Sora around, but it was getting hard being around him because she was getting attached.

Ever since he kept popping in to be with her, she became close to the keyblade wielder. He was becoming her first friend. Yeah she also had a crush on him still but she was fine being his friend.

'You know...it has been a bit lonely before he came.' Hikari thought. 'I'm used to him visiting now, if he stopped it would be weird.' But she knew eventually it will come to a stop.

Lifting a hand up above her face, she felt tears prick her eyes.

It was becoming transparent.

Then it slowly became solid again, as if it wasn't disappearing a moment ago.

She set her hand back down, continuing to stare up at the night sky.

'My time is almost up.' She tried to not let it bother her, it started happening after Sora's second recent visit. Deep down she expected it to happen, but it was happening a bit too soon. It hasn't been that long since she arrived, has she?

Hikari closed her eyes, ignoring the tears flowing out of them.

'I...I don't want to go yet.'

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