Chapter 22

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Almost two years later

It's been a crazy past year. Me and Sammy have been doing amazing. His music has been blowing up and he's been working hard in the studio. As for me, my modeling has been put to the side for a while, due to the fact that I got pregnant with a beautiful baby girl. Yes, she was conceived in Paris.

Our baby girl is currently 8 months old and she's the cutest little thing ever. I can't even begin to explain how much love she has for Sammy. She's a daddy's girl, big time. She always cries when he leaves and whines when he isn't giving her attention. It's the cutest thing.

She has the prettiest gray eyes and she is just a little ball of sunshine

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She has the prettiest gray eyes and she is just a little ball of sunshine. When Lia was born, my mom had told me my great grandmother had eyes just like hers. Lia got all of Sammy's personality, she was a little goof who was always smiling, her smile was the exact same as Sammy's.

Sammy was so excited when we found out I was pregnant. His smile would not come off. That night we called our parents over FaceTime, they were all over at my house and we decided it was a prefect time to tell all three of them together. They had smiles on their faces and they were excited. Lia loves her grandparents, she is always blabbing when we would call.

Sammys siblings were all in LA so we had a little dinner and told them the next day. I think Baker was the most excited for some reason. He couldn't wait to be an uncle and spoil the baby with gifts and a little baby Jersey. Baker and Emily got married this past year. They had a beautiful wedding in which Sammy performed a song he wrote for them.

As for the guys. They were all excited to meet the little baby. When we told them it was a girl, they all got defensive and saying how she wasn't allowed to date until she was 20 and that no boys were going to break her heart ever. Lia is surrounded by so much love and happiness, it is something I always want for her. I am going to do my hardest in making her happy, I don't want her to ever go through all the anxiety and depression I went through. I want her to be free and enjoy life everyday.

"Where's my baby?" Sammy says walking in. He just got home from the studio and he picked up dinner for us.

Lia squeals as she sees Sammy walk through the front door. She throws her arms everywhere and starts to kick her little legs getting excited. Sammy grabs her from my arms and gives me a quick peck. "Hey baby." He smiles at me. "Hi." I smile at him.

"Hey princess." He says kissing Lia all over her chubby face. She giggles and rests her head in Sammy's neck. "Aww my baby's tired." He pouts.

"She needs to eat first." I say making a bottle for her. Sammy walks over to the bag and pulls out our Chipotle bowls. "Here you go my love." He gives me my bowl and I give him Lia's bottle. He sits down and feeds her, while he eats his bowl.

"Give her to me while you finish." I say as I finish my bowl. I grab Lia and start rocking her to sleep, but she wiggles around in my arms. She looks up at me and then turns to Sammy reaching her arms out to him. "Baby let daddy eat." I say walking into the living room.

Her bottom lip starts to tremble and tears fill her beautiful eyes. "No don't cry baby." I pull her to my chest and rub her back. She's loves back rubs. She pulls away from me and points to Sammy who gets up from the table. "You want dada?" I ask her. She nods and wipes her tears. Sammy smiles at her and picks her up. She immediately curls into him and closes her eyes.

"Wanna watch a movie?" I ask him as he sits down next to me. "Of course." He smiles. I pull a blanket over the three of us and lay my head on his shoulder as the movie starts. He puts his other arm around me and makes sure not to wake Lia as she is already asleep. "I love you." He whispers to me. "I love you too." I smile up at him lightly. He kisses my head and we watch the movie.

As soon as the movie ends, Lia wakes up. She pulls her head up and grins at the both of us. "Hey baby." I say to her. She smiles and lays back on Sammy's chest. She grabs a fistful of Sammy's shirt as he rubs her back. She always grabs onto Sam's shirt, it's her way of staying attached to him. She does it in her sleep mostly, just so she knows that he's there, but when he puts her down and pulls away from her grasp, she wakes up and cries. He's her safe place.

"It's late we should get to bed." Sammy yawns. "Yea you've had a busy day." I say getting up. I grab a few bottles and make sure the kitchen is cleaned before I head upstairs. As I walk upstairs, I hear Sammy talking to Lia.

"It's time for bed baby." He says, I peek my head and see he is changing her diaper and putting her pijamas on. "Before we go to bed we are gonna thank god for this day, for the food we ate, for the roof over our head, and for getting me home safely. Tonight we are going to sleep and not wake up and give mommy a hard time, okay baby. She needs to rest for tomorrow. Tomorrow is me and mamas 2 year anniversary and it's going to be special. I love mommy so much and I love you too, babygirl." Special? He puts her in her crib while he goes to the bathroom.

I get ready for bed and wait for Sammy to come out of the bathroom so I could go in. Once he comes out he sees me and wraps his arms around me. I wrap my arms around his waist inhaling his scent, resting my head on his chest. "Are you excited for tomorrow? I got our whole day planned out." He says brightly.

"Yea, I can't wait." I smile up at him. His eyes study my face for a little and he smiles lightly. "What?" I say, "nothing, you're beautiful." He smiles wider. "Stop." I blush hard. "You're so cute." He chuckles, "Sam." I say my face heating up even more. "What it's true."

"You're so annoying." I pull away and walk towards the bathroom. He grabs my wrist and spins me around. He immediately connects our lips and he rests his hands on my hips. "I love you." He says after pulling away. "I love you too, nerd." I grin, he squints his eyes at me and let's me go to the bathroom, finally.

"You're mean, this is why babygirl is my favorite." Sam says picking her up and holding her close to him. "Okay Sammy whatever you say." I chuckle.

I do my things in the bathroom and walk out to see Sammy and Lia laying in bed already. We make sure she falls asleep on our bed and then we gently put her in her crib. It's our night routine. "Goodnight babe." I say kissing his cheek.

"Goodnight, nerd."

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