Chapter 3

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"Hey mama." I say walking into the Wilkinson household.

"Hey sweetie, how was work?" She asks noticing me in my cafe uniform.

"It was alright. I bought you some leftover muffins." I sigh.

"Aww thank you dear." She smiles.

"I also wanted to ask for your opinion on something." I say getting a little nervous.

"Of course what's up?"

"So, this might sound crazy, but I think I want to go visit Sammy in LA." I say, scared of what her answer is going to be.

"Really! That's amazing, I think you should do it. He will be so happy to see you." She cheers, clearly excited.

"Can I ask why you finally decided to go?"

"Well Johnson actually sent me message telling me that something happened between Sammy and stass and that Sammy wasn't doing so good. He also told me that one night Sammy got drunk and started asking about me. I just want to make sure he's doing okay" I state.

"Oh my, he hasn't told me anything about stassie. It's good that you want to check on him. But you know you could have just called or sent him a message." She smirks.

"Yea I know, but I think it's time I see him, it's been to long." I sigh looking down at my hands.

"I just don't want you to get hurt. I know he's my son, but I just don't want to see you go down that horrible path after talking to him." She says with concern. 

"I know, hopefully the trip will help me though, patch things up, I just want to feel happiness again it's been to long." I say truthfully.

"Well I'm glad you're doing something for yourself for once." She smiles.

"Me too" I say confidently. "I'm going to go home and convince my mom about it and book a ticket." I say getting up.

"Alright, thank you for the muffins honey." She gives me a hug before I walk out the front door.

As I walk across the street I start thinking of all the possible outcomes of me going on this trip. What if he doesn't wanna see me, or what if he hates me for hanging up on him.

"Hey mom, I'm back." I yell walking into the kitchen.

"Hey honey, did you stop by Mrs. Wilkinson's house?" She asks.

"Yea, there was some leftover muffins from work so I took some over. Also she was excited for me to go and see Sammy." I say.

"Honey, I just don't want you to to get hurt, not anymore." You see my mom doesn't like the idea of me going.

"Mom, I need to, as stupid as it sounds, I feel empty, it's like there's a piece missing from me. He's someone really important to me, even after he left." I speak out.

"I know baby, I'm just trying to protect you, why don't we look at flights?" She says hugging me.

"Okay." I say softly.

We spent a couple hours looking for a flight, but we booked one two days from now.

"Alright, I'm going to go to bed and I'll pack tomorrow and make sure to call off work for a couple days." I say getting up and kissing my moms cheek before walking up the stairs.

"Goodnight." My mom yells as I was half way up the stairs.

"Night." I yell back.

Hopefully it goes okay.

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