Chapter 5

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I'm sitting at the bar, for the third night in a row, taking shot after shot. I should be upset over the fact that I caught stass cheating on me, on our couch, but I'm not. Truth is, I couldn't bring myself to love her, not when she was always on my mind.

"What the fuck is wrong with you." I yelled at her slamming the door after the asshole walked out.

"What? At least someone goes out of their way to appreciate me." She sassed putting her clothes back on.

"What are you talking about?" I said.

"Why can't you say you love me?" She said crossing her arms.

"I do say it" I yelled getting frustrated.

"But you don't mean it." She yelled.

"Because I-I..." What was I supposed to say, that I'm in love with someone else.

"You're in love with her, I know you are." She spoke.

She was turning this whole conversation around when it has nothing to do with me.

"You wasted over a year of my life. I could have been with so many different guys." She laughed.

"Oh I'm sure you still were." I mumbled.

"You're right, I still was." She yelled in my face.

"So why'd you stay with me?" I yelled back.

"Because, you were just man candy. Someone I could bring around my friends and the public." She laughed in my face.

"Im done with your bullshit. Just get the fuck out." I yelled walking to my room.

Not gonna lie and say that it didn't hurt a little, because it did. Seeing someone you're in a so called relationship with betray you does hurt.

"Yo man, lets get you home. I think you've had enough." Johnson pats my back.

"I can't believe I left her." I slur. "And for what, some bitch who never even cared about me." I say harshly.

"I'm sure she's fine, let's go." He pulls me up.

"You think she's okay?" I ask struggling to keep myself up.

"Yea, she's probably sitting at home watching Netflix." He chuckles.

"She probably looks so cute snuggled up on her bed." I drunkenly laugh. "I want her here." I sigh getting in the Uber.

"She'll come around." Johnson says hopping in next to me. That's what he's been saying for the past couple of nights that we've spent here.

The next morning, I wake up with a pounding headache, it became part of my routine. I take some Advil and make some breakfast. I spent the morning answering business emails and talking to my manager.

It's about two o'clock and I hear a knock on my door. I realize that I wasn't wearing a shirt so I quickly run to my bedroom.

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