Chapter 12

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The jacks left a couple hours ago. Nash has invited all of us to a little goodbye hangout for me, since I leave tomorrow.

Me and Sammy just got finished getting ready and we're on our way to Nash and Taylor's house.

"Hey guys!" Taylor says as soon as she opens the door

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"Hey guys!" Taylor says as soon as she opens the door.

"Hey!" I smile at her. She pulls me into a quick hug and lets us walk in.

We walk into the living room and I see Johnson, G, Nash, Skeez, and Rupp.

"I can't believe your leaving tomorrow. I'm gonna miss you." Rupp says in a girly high pitched voice.

"Shut up." I laugh. I give all the guys a quick hug and sit on the couch.

We chilled for about an hour just talking and laughing together, until the front door opened. The house is immediately filled with Hayes yelling.

"What's up guys!" He cheers as he reaches the living room.

I notice there was two people behind him. I saw Tez and then I saw someone I haven't seen in a long time, Nate.

About two years ago Nate was in Omaha visiting his family, and he stopped by my house one day. He told me that Sammy asked him to check up on me and see how I was doing.

At first it was just casually talking and catching up, then he started to get really touchy. Then all of a sudden we were making out. One thing led to another, and I had given him my virginity.

The next morning, I immediately regretted everything that happened. I kicked him out of my house and told him that I didn't ever want to see him. Which was a bit dramatic, but I felt really ashamed of myself.

"Yo Skate this is Vanessa." Hayes says.

"Yea, I know." Nate says not looking at me.

"No hug or hello? You haven't seen her in what, two years man." G laughs.

"Hey Vanessa." He says, finally looking at me.

"Hey." I say back. Everyone around us can feel the tension between us.

"Anyway, what are you guys doing?" Hayes says trying to lighten the mood.

"Not much, just chillin." Rupp answers.

It goes quiet for a few seconds before Skeez speaks up.

"So what's the history between you two?" He asks pointing at me and Nate.

"There is none." I immediately say. I really don't want anyone to know, especially Sammy.

"Oh there was most definitely something." Hayes says.

"Vanessa didn't seem to think so." Nate opens his big mouth. I give him the 'shut the fuck up' look.

"What is he talking about?" Sammy says looking straight at me.

"Nothing, I don't know." I respond.

"Oh please, you know exactly what I'm talking about." Nate rolls his eyes.

"Vanessa." Sammy says still looking at me. I can already tell he's getting pissed off.

"Tell him V, tell him what happened two years ago when Sammy told me to check up on you." Nate laughs.

"No." I say. My heart was beating as Sammy was staring me down.

"Fine you wanna know Sammy?" Nate speaks.

"We fucked."

"No you didn't." Sammy laughs dryly.

"Trust me man, I'd remembered a fuck like that." Nate smirks at me.

"Vanessa." Sammy says looking at me. At this point everyone was quiet and waiting for me to say something.

"I'm sorry." I say looking up at him with teary eyes.

"I told you to fucking check up on her, not fuck her." Sammy yells making his way towards Nate.

"It just happened." Nate defends himself.

"No, that does not just happen." Sammy yells getting in his face.

"Sammy stop, it's not all his fault okay. It takes two." I lightly grab his arm trying to get him away from Nate.

"Don't fucking touch me." He yells at me shrugging me off him.

"Dude relax." Nash steps in.

"No I'm not gonna relax. You fucked him. I can not believe you right now. You can forget the whole moving in with me thing, don't fucking talk to me." He yells at me.

He storms out the door. I run after him, tears streaming down my face. I can't lose him not again.

"Sammy stop." I grab his arm.

"I said don't fucking touch me." He yells.

"I'm sorry okay, I didn't want it to happen." I cry.

"But it fucking did. Just stay in Omaha and don't ever fucking come back."

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