Chapter 15

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Sammy's pov

"Hello." I answer the phone.

"Hey honey, how's it going?" My mom says on the other end.

"It's been a little busy, but that's good right." I chuckle.

"Of course that's good, it means your working hard and planning new things."

"Big things. Is everything okay mom you sound kinda nervous?" I tell her.

"Yes, well no, you see something happened and I kinda need you to come to Omaha." She answers.

"Is it something with you or dad, are you guys okay?" I start to get a little worried.

"We're fine Sammy, it's something else." Thank god.

"Is it urgent, I have a really busy week mom." I sigh thinking of all the meetings and studio time I have booked.

"It's Vanessa honey."

"I swear I call-" she cuts me off.

"She's in the hospital." My heart drops.


"She tried to commit suicide." She says.

"Is she okay? Is she gonna be okay?" I say as I start to look for my suitcase. It was already packed because I'm supposed to go back to LA tomorrow.

"I don't know honey, me and your dad are heading to the hospital right now."

"It's my fault mom." I say as tears well up in my eyes.

"No baby it's not your fault, she hasn't been herself in a long time." She sighs.

"She hasn't been herself because of me mom, I left her, and when she came back I pushed her away." I rub my face before the tears fell.

"I'll be there in a couple hours, love you." I hung up after she says bye.

"Mike I needa go to Omaha." I tell my manager, waking into the kitchen with my luggage.

"Is everything okay?" He asks.

"It's Vanessa, she's in the hospital. I really need to go. I know we have a lot of important shit to do, but she's more important to me." I tell him.

"Holy shit, call an Uber and I'll book your ticket, I'll call off all the meetings and everything later." He says.

"Thank you man."


My eyes flutter open and I try to adjust to the light. I look around the room confused and I see my mom and a doctor standing out in the hall.

I try calling my mom but my voice is dry and scratchy, nothing came out.

"Oh my god honey." My mom panics running over to me. I try speaking again but I can't.

"Here you go, drink some water. How are you feeling?" The doctor asks.

"My head hurts, but I'm okay." I whisper after drinking some water.

"You probably hit your head when you blacked out. I'll send someone in to examine you and give you something for that." He walks out.

"I'm sorry mom." Is the first thing I say to her.

"No baby, it's my fault. I've been away at work and I haven't been looking out for you like I should have. You needed me and I wasn't there." She starts to cry.

"It's not your fault mom. I haven't been myself and I'm really insecure and I haven't been in the right minds-" she cuts me off.

"I know baby, I just wish you would have talked to me about all this. I can't read your mind." She wipes my tears.

"How long have I been here?" I ask

"About 4 hours, oh Lori and Dave are in the waiting room want me to go get them?" She asks.

"Yea." I smile.

"Thank goodness you're alright." Lori walks in hugging me quickly.

"How you feeling kiddo?" Dave asks.

"I'm okay." I smile up at him.

After about an hour of talking and taking a small nap we hear a knock on the door.

"Who's that?" I ask. All the people in my life are in this room.

The door opens and Sammy walks in. I quickly sit up and look at him.

"I'm sorry." I start to cry. Sammy runs up to me and engulfs me in his arms.

"No I'm sorry. I'm an asshole and I hurt you too many times." He says while hugging me tighter. By now my mom and his parents walked outside.

"I should have told you." I whisper.

"No, I should have let you explain what happened instead of yelling at you." He pulls away and sits on the edge of the bed.

"I was alone Sammy. He was the only person to come talk to me, ask me how I was doing, after you left. I'm sorry." I tell him.

We talk for a couple minutes before our parents walk into the room.

"Can we come in?" Dave asks. We both nod our heads.

"Everything okay between you two?" Lori says with a hopeful smile on her face.

"Everything is fine mom." Sammy smiles and kisses my cheek.

My face heats up a little bit and my heart beats faster. The heart machine next to my bed goes a little louder causing everyone to look at me.

"Are you okay?" Sammy says looking at me with concern.

"Yea." I say softly. My mom and Lori both give me small smirks.

We make small talk and catch up on Sammy's new stuff.

"We're all so proud of you Sam." My mom says as she stands up. I hear something fall when she gets up.

I quickly turn my head to see what it was. Before I could see what it was, my vision becomes blurry and my head starts pounding.

I quickly grab Sammy's arm with one hand, while the other was holding my head.

"What's wrong?" Sammy's says as he helps me sit up.

"I'll get the doctor." Lori says quickly running out.

"Vanessa, hey, look at me." Sammy says.

When I look up, I see three of him. "My head hurts." I slur.

"You're gonna be fine baby." My mom reassures me.

"I'm scared." I whisper holding Sammy's hand. "Please don't leave." I say as my vision starts to close.

"I promise I'll be right here." He says as he holds me up against his chest.

The last thing I hear is Sammy whispering "I love you."

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