The trial of Margareth Ford

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August 19, 1936 at the witches' court.

- We are here to judge Margareth Benson Ford for the crime of serial murder; I ask you all to remain silent.

Says the judge.

- Don't I have a right to a defense?

Says Margareth.

- You do, but no one wanted to volunteer to defend you, Margareth.

Says the cop.

- So I'll have to make my own defense?

Says Margareth.

- That's if you can defend yourself.

Says the cop.

- Order, order in court!

Says the judge.

- What about the two witnesses? They ran away, huh?

Says Margareth.

The phone rings and the police answers.

- Yeah, we're just getting started.

Says the cop.

- Okay, when I can talk, let me know.

Say Adeleine.

- That voice... Damn you!

Says Margareth.

- We were already suspicious that you were going to stop both of them from getting close to you so we provided that.

Says the cop.

- Damn it!

Says Margareth.

- Okay. Now can we get started?

Says the judge.

- Okay. The criminal is accused of the murder of two witches from important families, Diana Cavendish and a case that had been closed more than 20 years ago, Denise McLaren. What does the defense have to say about that?

Says the cop.

- I killed them, Denise McLaren was on my way to conquer Diana Cavendish, not letting me spy on her, all I did was get a trap ready for her to die in a way that looked like an accident. As for Diana Cavendish I killed her poisoned as part of my plan to have her with me, but she didn't want to then if it won't be mine she won't be anyone else's.

Says Margareth.

- Do you have any idea how serious what you just said?

Says the cop.

- You think I'm an idiot? I know very well what I did and I am proud of all my victims who got in my way.

Says Margareth.

- So let's hear what the witnesses have to say about it.

Says the judge.

The police put the microphone next to the phone.

- You're really a sick Margareth, what she did was not just kill my mother but she also kicked us out of our own home using something completely unknown in me and my sisters that if we stayed close we would die.

Say Adeleine.

- You were stupid enough to let me do that to you.

Says Margareth.

- Order, please, Margareth.

Says the judge.

- That's what I have to say about Margareth Ford, she practically confessed.

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