We are tired of you Margareth

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October 10, 1913 in the blue team room.

- Anne, will you come with me?

Says Elisabeth.

- Go where, Lisa?

Says Anne.

- Get the hell out of here, Anne.

Says Elisabeth.

- But what about Margareth?

Says Anne.

- It's precisely because of her that we're getting out of here. I'm tired of being mistreated by her.

Says Elisabeth.

- But she can find out and she'll kill us.

Says Anne.

- She's not gonna kill us, and if she tries anything, we can unite.

Says Elisabeth.

- Two witches are stronger than one.

Says Anne.

- So let's get our stuff, this luxury isn't worth it.

Says Elisabeth.

- Let's go!

Says Anne.

Anne and Elisabeth pack their bags and when they arrive at the door of the room Margareth appears behind them.

- What do you think you're doing?

Says Margareth.

- Get the hell out of here, we're tired of your tyranny and mistreatment!

Says Elisabeth.

Anne tries to open the door, but it's locked.

- Looking for this?

Says Margareth holding the key and putting inside her breasts.

- So it's a fight you want?

Says Elisabeth.

Elisabeth and Anne take their wands, but when Anne tries to aim at Margareth she ends up being hit.


Says Elisabeth.

Elisabeth is hit with by a magic unleashed by Margareth.

- Do you really dare to confront me?

Says Margareth.

Anne and Elisabeth launch a magic in Margareth, but nothing happens in Margareth.

- What assholes, you really thought if you got together you'd be able to beat me.

Says Margareth.

- And we will.

Says Elisabeth.

- Not even if there were four of you, I wouldn't hurt myself yet.

Says Margareth.

Margareth loosens her wand and begins to walk slowly towards Anne and Elisabeth.

- Now!

They say Anne and Elisabeth.

Anne and Elisabeth cast another magic on Margareth but nothing happens just smoke rises.

- Anne! Now!

Says Elisabeth pointing to the window.

Anne jumps out the window holding the bag.

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