The love stone

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The girls this time go to the forest of Arcuturus.

- How are we gonna find that phoenix?

Say Hilda.

- I know how.

Says Diana.

Diana takes a whistle in her pocket and calls the phoenix.

- It's gonna take a...

Says Diana.

The phoenix appears.

- Now what?

Say Hilda.

Diana distracts the phoenix and makes a sign for the girls who pull out four feathers.

- I'm sorry.

Says Diana.

The phoenix flies away and the girls can catch their feathers.

- Great.

Says Diana.

- Now all that's missing is the divine nectar. We have to go to an elf village.

Says Diana.

- All right!

Say Hilda.

In the meantime, Louise arrives at her house.

- (Finally here after 14 years without coming here)

Louise starts walking down the corridors until she reaches an underground cave.

- (I'll fill four jars and then prepare something for them when they come here)

Louise fills the jars with holy water and goes into the kitchen of the house.

- (The girls will love it when they get here).

Meanwhile, Diana and the girls arrive in elf village.

- We're here. Now what?

Say Hilda.

- Let's talk to the elves if they know about the divine nectar.

Says Diana.

Diana goes to an elf.

- Hey boy, you know where the divine nectar is.

Says Diana.

- If you want to know about the divine nectar just go to our leader's house which is the one in front of the well.

Says the elf.

The girls enter the village leader's house.

- Hello to what do I owe the witch's visit? I'm the Francis III leader of the elf village.

Says Francis.

- We want the divine nectar.

Says Diana.

- It won't be that easy to have the divine nectar.

Says Francis.

- And how can we do that?

Says Diana.

- If you can bring down that rock that keeps our village from having water, it would be a great help.

Says Francis.

- That's interesting.

Says Diana.

- It's a century away from stopping the waterfall from falling and we have to face a huge danger to have water in our village.

Says Francis.

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