A Marine Adventure

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June 10, 1916 at the Cavendish residence.

- We finally graduated.

Says Diana.

- Now let's go out and find the relics.

Say Hilda.

- Impressive is the fact that Margareth has changed over the years.

Says Elisabeth.

- Yes, Margareth even came to talk to us during Elisabeth's mother's funeral.

Says Anne.

- She showed a little compassion that day and then she isolated herself a lot.

Says Elisabeth.

- At least she's satisfied that Diana and Louise love each other.

Say Hilda.

- But I still feel sorry for Margareth. Nobody wanted to be her roommate or come near her.

Says Louise.

- It was the price she paid for mistreating Elisabeth and Anne, apart from the onslaughts she gave in Diana.

Say Hilda.

- Hilda! Poor thing.

Says Louise.

- I don't know how you feel about her, Louise. Your kindness sometimes surprises me.

Say Hilda.

- People can do crazy things when they are passionate, because what she feels is not love.

Says Louise.

- Just like you when you were in love with me.

Say Hilda.

- I wasn't Hilda, I just wanted to practice with someone.

Says Louise.

- At least it freed that lesbian side of Hilda, thank you, Louise.

Say Bianca.

Diana takes a map and puts it on the table.

- Let's stop talking and act, girls. We're going to hunt down these six relics traveling the world.

Says Diana.

- There's only one difficulty.

Say Hilda.

- And what would that be?

Says Diana.

- The Great War that's going on between humans.

Say Hilda.

- This war is only causing horrors and destroying families.

Says Louise.

- We have to be careful, humans know how to fly now and out that their flying machines can be as fast as our flight.

Say Hilda.

- Except for Louise who flies incredibly fast.

Says Elisabeth.

- What about the portals?

Says Diana.

- If they're open, we'll be able to get there quickly and without taking any chances.

Say Hilda.

- It doesn't hurt to try.

Says Diana.

Diana points to a relic in the ocean.

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