Diana's birthday

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September 22, 1913 is Diana's birthday. Louise and Hilda go to the kitchen of Luna Nova.

- Why did you call me here, Louise? Aren't you thinking of giving Diana the kiss she did on Margareth on me?

Say Hilda.

- Of course not Hilda! I need your help to bake a cake for Diana.

Says Louise.

- I get it. It's Diana's birthday today.

Say Hilda.

- Yeah, Hilda and I want to bake a cake for her.

Says Louise.

- All right, I'll help you, but I don't know how to bake cake.

Say Hilda.

- Don't worry Hilda, I'll bake the cake, you'll help me with other things.

Says Louise.

- Okay.

Say Hilda.

Louise and Hilda start preparing the cake while Diana receives an invitation from Anne and Elisabeth to go to the blue team room.

- Please, Diana, come to our room.

Says Anne.

- But Margareth will be there.

Says Diana.

- Give her a chance, please?

Says Elisabeth.

- Okay, but if Louise finds out, it could cause a huge mess.

Says Diana.

- Thank you, Diana.

Says Elisabeth.

Diana goes with Anne and Elisabeth to the blue team room.

- Happy birthday, Diana.

Says Margareth.

- This cake is all for you.

Says Margareth.

- Thank you very much, Margareth.

Says Diana.

- You're not gonna kiss me or anything?

Says Margareth.

Diana kisses Margareth on the cheek.

- Satisfied?

Says Diana.

- Obviously not.

Says Margareth.

Diana looks at Anne and Elisabeth.

- Do you guys look tired, girls?

Says Diana.

- Us? Nothing.

Says Anne.

Anne falls unconscious on the floor.

- Anne!

Says Elisabeth.

- That worthless couldn't handle the job.

Says Margareth.

- This is your fault, Margareth. We've been baking this cake since yesterday and you didn't give us a rest.

Says Elisabeth.

- So what?

Says Margareth.

- How do you treat your roommates like that, Margareth?

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