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October 31, 1913 comes Halloween in Luna Nova and the girls are eager to party with their peers, Diana and Louise are dressed as brides, Hilda is dressed as Dracula, Elisabeth is dressed as a mummy, Anne of Frankenstein, Bianca is dressed as a vampire hunter.

- Finally a day off after studying so much these days.

Say Hilda.

- If you paid more attention in class instead of wanting to date Bianca...

Says Diana.

- Oh, stop being such a pain in the ass, Diana, I'm in the mood.

Say Hilda.

- And you can even affect Bianca like that, Hilda.

Says Diana.

- Girls! That's not the day to argue about it.

Says Louise.

- You're right, Louise, let's celebrate.

Say Hilda.

- And Margareth? I haven't seen her since that day. She's barely showing up in class.

Says Louise.

- Margareth is studying at a different time, my mother told me.

Says Elisabeth.

Margareth's watching the girls from afar.

- (So that's how Louise Du Nord is dressed up, interesting I'll wait for the imbecile to be distracted and take her place).

A teacher arrives in Margareth.

- Still spying on these girls?

Says Professor Denise.

- Leave me alone.

Says Margareth.

- You better stop it, I saw my daughter's face with cuts a few days ago and I think you're responsible.

Says Denise.

- Why would I think that?

Says Margareth.

- Because the same day she left the blue team and went into the green team and went along with Anne.

Says Denise.

- Did you know your daughter is a lesbian? And that Anne is actually your girlfriend?

Says Margareth.

- It's no use trying to get my daughter's name dirty like this, I've known it since before they started dating.

Says Denise.

- Okay, Professor McLaren, now leave me alone.

Says Margareth.

Margareth begins to distance herself from the teacher.

- (I know it was you, Miss Ford, do no harm to my daughter, or I'll do my best to get you out of Luna Nova.)

A while later, Louise and Diana were kissing each other in the hallways next to a room.

- Louise, I'm gonna go get us some more candy. Wait here.

Says Diana.

- (Perfect).

Louise is pulled out of nowhere into a room.

- What?

Says Louise.

Margareth puts a chloroform cloth on Louise's face.

- Quietly.

Says Margareth.

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