The icy relic

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A few hours later they spent a little fun on the island's beach.

- We have to get the next relic.

Says Diana.

- You're right, lettuce tomato.

Says Louise.

- Who's a lettuce tomato?

Says Diana.

- You, my love, got all red after sunbathing.

Says Louise.

And you got a whole tomato.

Says Diana.

- Hey, couple of tomatos. Where are we going this time?

Say Hilda.

- The next stop will be freezing.

Says Diana.

- Seriously, Diana? We're not even ready for that.

Say Hilda.

- Metarmofie vestesse!

Says Diana.

Girls get warmer clothes.

- Wait a minute, Diana, we're gonna toast here.

Say Hilda.

- Let's go!

Says Diana.

The girls fly to the portal and go to the icy mountains in North America.

- We just need to get some of that Yeti's fur out and then we'll make it.

Say Hilda.

- Hilda!

Says Diana.

- We'll do it peacefully.

Says Louise.

They keep walking around the mountains until they notice a smoke coming out of it.

- That's gotta be it.

Say Hilda.

They come in and spot Yeti.

- Hello Mr. Yeti, could you please give us your fur?

Says Louise.

- I can, but you can help me at least.

Says Yeti.

- But of course.

Says Louise.

- I can't make food and since I lost my parents I've been eating raw food.

Says Yeti.

- I can cook if you want, I'll teach you.

Says Louise.

- Really?

Says Yeti.

The girls go inside Yeti's house and Louise prepares a hot chocolate for everyone.

- This one is the ideal hot chocolate to withstand this cold.

Says Louise.

- Thank you, Louise. You're the best cook in the world.

Says Diana.

- That's family tradition, I've always learned how to cook.

Says Louise.

- That's true, Louise always made great food in the short time she lived in Germany.

Say Hilda.

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