Less Lonely

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The front door creaked as Ellis entered her house. "I'm home" she yelled throughout her house. "Hi Ellis" her mom said. Her mom looked Ellis up and down and said nothing but, "Hm." Her mom was always passive aggressive in her judgement. Her mom was pretty strict and religious and didn't like Ellis dressing the way she did. She had basically given up on trying to stop it though. Ellis's mom had not been awake yet when Ellis left so she didn't see what she was wearing until now. Ellis was used to her mother's quiet judgement and had accepted that she would just have to deal with it.

Ellis went upstairs and sat on her bed. She opened up her laptop. She went to instagram. She had a follow request. It was Helen, from english class. Ellis's heart skipped a beat. Helen was smart and kind and had friends. Why would she want to follow someone like Ellis, the vampire girl? Ellis thought for a second if she would want Helen seeing the things Ellis posts. Ellis went to her own instagram profile and looked at the pictures she has posted. Just screenshots of songs and occasional photos of other things. Ellis was sort of into photography so she would sometimes post pictures she had taken. Ellis didn't have many followers. Just some strangers online and her mom, because her mother wanted to see everything she posted to make sure it wasn't "bad" or "inappropriate." Ellis hit confirm, thus letting Helen follow her account.

A few minutes later, Ellis received a DM. It was from Helen. Ellis opened it. It read:

Hey, cool instagram acc. this is Helen from english class :) I liked the thing you said at the end of class

Ellis's heart skipped a beat...again.
A compliment? no....yes? Apparently?! Ellis wasn't used to attention like that. Ellis replied:

hey, thanks i like your account too :)

Ellis used the ":)" just like Helen, so hopefully there was more of a chance Helen would like her. Strange logic. But, Ellis was strange person. Helen replied:

Thanks; do you like Mr. Redd's class?

This was an easy answer. Yet, Ellis felt 'yes' wouldn't be enough. So she replied:

Mr. Redd's class is like a good book. If you let it it will take you on journeys through your mind and your heart. Or you could choose to not care. And not let it change you. I choose to let it change me.

Without hesitation Ellis hit send before she would regret it. Helen was typing. What would she say? Helen replied:

Good metaphor :) I agree. I see your lowercase aesthetic has been disturbed.

Ellis realized she had started typing her texts how Helen did. Ellis smiled to herself and replied:

I suppose it did

Helen replied:

:) i have to go now see you in english tmrw

Ellis replied

Oki, byeee :)

Ellis closed her laptop.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 26, 2020 ⏰

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