Goth Girls Don't Smile

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Ellis awoke. She checked the time on her clock. 6:25. Her alarm was set to go off at 6:30 every morning. She turned her alarm off since she was already awake, and got up. She picked out an outfit from her closet, a black dress. She put on the dress and brushed her shoulder length black hair. She put on a few bracelets and a black choker. She then went to her bathroom. She brushed her teeth and started taking out her makeup. She did her eyeshadow using various shades of black, gray, and brown. She also did her eyeliner, making her look even more like a vampire. She didn't do much more makeup before deciding she was finished getting ready. Ellis walked downstairs then into her kitchen. She made toast, like usual.

She walked to her bus stop. It was chilly winter weather outside. She walked onto her bus to find a seat. Kids stared at her like usual. Bus kids were cruel. Ellis sat down in an empty seat. She stared out the window as the bus was driving. She suddenly felt something softly hit her head. Beside her on the seat lay a crumpled up piece of paper. Ellis opened it and it read:

Vampire Girl

           Kill urself plz

Ellis stood up a little and looked behind her seat, and two rows back were two guys laughing at her. She said loudly, "Haha very funny guys" and rolled her eyes and sat back down. She shoved the paper in her backpack and continued staring out the window. Kids always did stuff like this to her. They called her 'Vampire Girl' all the time, because of how she dressed. Ellis didn't mind. Vampire was kind of what she was going for anyways. The kids were usually very vocal about their judgement towards her.

As she was walking off the bus when they arrived at the school, a kid put his leg out and tripped her. She stumbled a bit then got her balance back. She looked at the kid who tripped her. The kid said, "Wow it's true you really are a vampire girl." Ellis was irritated and just said, "You're laughing now but when I drink your blood you won't be." and got off the bus. Not her best comeback, but it wasn't terrible. She walked to her locker. She had no friends, just herself. She didn't necessarily mind, but sometimes it got lonely.

At Lunch:

Ellis went to her normal table, where she sat alone. Stupid high school kids always cared about who people sat with. It would be nice to have friends at lunch, Ellis thought sometimes. She ate her sandwich that she brought. She sat there alone. She looked at the empty seat next to her. Two years ago there would have been somebody sitting next to her. Ellis didn't like to think about her, though. It brought her too much grief.

Frank Harris walked up to where Ellis was sitting. Ew. Frank was the person who had always been the most mean to Ellis.
Frank said, "Hey Ellis, how's the coven?"
Ellis stared at him and said, "So am I a vampire or a witch? You have to be consistent with your insults at least."
Frank said, "You're a f*cking freak, that's what you are." Frank walked away laughing.
Ellis wondered why Frank always straight up walked up to her when he wanted to bully her. That's a strange thing to do, Ellis thought. That's something that happens in movies, Ellis thought.

Ellis's last subject of the day was english class. Her favorite class. The only class she actually understood. She took honors english, and she really liked her teacher, Mr. Redd.
Mr. Redd said, "Hello class, I hope your weekend was good. Today in class we are going to discuss the pages you read last night in Fahrenheit 451. We will start by analyzing the passage on page 55. Does anybody have any quotes they would like to start with?"
Helen raised her hand. Helen was Mr. Redd's favorite student. She was always insightful and deep.
Helen said, "I would like to discuss when Beatty says there is no censorship. He means that in this society it is not the government's fault that there is censorship. It is the citizens' fault."
Mr. Redd said, "Ah very interesting point Helen..."
The class continued to discuss this for a while until Mr. Redd asked for another quote to discuss. Ellis saw her own hand raise itself. Mr. Redd called on her. Ellis said, "I found it particularly interesting when Beatty said that people always dread the unfamiliar. I think this is still true in our society today. I think that in the society in the book, people did not like anything they did not understand or recognize. If they could not understand it, in this case books, immediately, they dubbed it as nonsense or bad. Then they burned the books, Mr. Redd. That's what they did. In our society, we burn the metaphorical books now, don't we? We rid of things we do not like or understand. We cast them to the outsides of our own safe bubble. Our society is not built for anything strange. That's what makes today's world so hard to live in for many."
Mr. Redd looked at Ellis and said, "That is a very good point, I think we should elaborate on that..."
The bell rang then Mr. Redd said, "We will continue our discussion tomorrow."

Ellis walked out of class. Helen smiled at her. Ellis was caught off guard. Nobody ever smiled at her. Ever. Ellis smiled back.

And they say goth girls don't smile.

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