The End.

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"Darling, hold me in your arms the way you did last night and we'll lie inside for a little while here. I could look into your eyes until the sun comes up and we're wrapped in light, in life, in love. Put your open lips on mine and slowly let them shut for they're designed to be together. With your body next to mine, our hearts will beat as one and we're set alight. We're afire love." Afire Love // Ed Sheeran

Troyes POV. 

I sigh, taking a deep breath as Tyler and I finally get seated in the alarmingly busy restaurant. It was a joke that they even made you get reservations in the first place when you won't get a table until a half hour later. I wasn't exactly that frustrated but it was pretty annoying knowing we had other plans tonight and after the day filled with meetings I just wanted my time with Tyler and not stuffed in a tiny waiting room with other hungry, irritated people. 

After waking up with Tyler in a sleepy haze, I had to storm away quickly to make it to my meeting on time. It was just to hard to leave Tyler's warm body and tantalizing kisses to be shipped away into boring business stuff with my mind set on the thought of going back to Tyler. It was then that I decided another night with Tyler was due, making me quickly make reservations for dinner at a fancy restaurant in the middle of one small break I found during my long day.

Now as I was finally sat with my Tyler facing me, a bright smile on his face, I tried to calm my nerves. Tyler's presence alone could calm me and send me vibes that I could never find the words for and that I was so grateful for. I'm sure he has caught my tense state, from my general annoyance at everything and how snappy I was toward everybody, except for the boy himself of course. I was also more than sure that he was trying hard to cheer me up while also tiptoeing around my emotions and I never want that. I never want him to be worried of calling me out or talking to me about something. I'd never take out my emotions out on him and I needed him to know that. 

He tried another small attempt of cheering me up by nudging my ankle slightly with his big toe. I meet his big blue eyes that were lit up in cheerfulness. I can feel my lips turning up into a smile when I see his own covering his face after he pulls his silliest face. 

I can't help the laugh that comes up my throat, laughing loudly at the smallest thing Tyler does. When I calm down, I can only see Tyler smiling at me with bright eyes as he watches me laugh at his attempt at a joke. 

"What?" I ask, rolling my eyes at his over the top staring at me, although it happened to make my heart flutter. 

"I just like your laugh," Tyler answers with a shrug. I can almost feel the blush rising on my cheeks at his casual confession. You'd think I'd be used to his random compliments after all the times he's just sprung one at me but I'm not and it's certainly still blush worthy. 

"Whatever," I mumble, picking up the menu to look over our options for tonight, ignoring Tyler as much as I could when he jokingly mocks my words in a funny voice. He's the biggest dork ever. 

Only a few more minutes pass before a stressed looking waitress with a fake smile approaches us. I give her a genuine smile and hint for Tyler to order first before quickly telling her my own choice, hurrying for her sake. She promises to be back soon and I'm left alone with Tyler again. 

"So, you said we were going somewhere after this?" He said excitedly, making me smile. 

"Don't even try. You know it's a surprise," I answer, shifting my eyes when he pulls his famous pouting face, knowing I'd fall into his trap with one glance.

"But, Troye," He whines, drawing out my name. I cut him off quickly, saying a sharp no before beginning a conversation about Tyler's earlier Skype call with some of our favorite Brits, Zalfie. The conversation continues until our food comes not long after. 

Breakups. (Troyler Fanfic.)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя