Chapter Ten.

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"Ignore their words. They're laced with envy and disgrace. Hold your head high throughout the hard times and the hate. Don't take note if you've been told that you're not worth your weight in gold and together we'll make a change." Be Heard // We Are Forever

Tylers POV

I sigh, falling back onto my bed as all my worries float to my head. Troye should be here by now. He said he'd only be gone for two hours. I have no idea where he could be. They only planned on dinner and then Troye would be back here with me, not with that idiot. He's not even that good looking. I don't see what Troye sees in him.

I roll my eyes at my own thoughts, knowing that I should be happy that Troye found somebody he likes. I've always been the jealous type, even with things that don't belong to me. Troye doesn't belong to me and I don't even want him to, right?

Something just isn't right about this Chase guy. That's it.

I try to distract myself, scrolling through the channels to find nothing interesting. I scroll through my texts to find nobody to talk too. I look through Tumblr to see nothing to reblog and see there is nothing to tweet on Twitter. When is Troye going to be done with this guy?

I jump though when my phone starts ringing in my hand. I see it's Troye and immediately answer on it's first ring.

"Hey, Troye," I say way to enthusiastically but the reply I get is nothing in the similar, nothing but a small whimper and quietness.

"T-tilly?" Troye stutters out, alerting me he has been crying as he tries to muffle a sob. Within a second I am up and looking for my keys.

"What's wrong, Troye?" I say. my heartbeat picking up. If anybody has hurt him I don't know what I'd do to them.

"N-nothing. Can you just come pick me up?" He lies.

"Yes. I'm on my way. Where are you?" I say running out of my door, quickly locking it. He tells me the address between 'hidden' sobs.

"Stay on the phones with me. Okay, babe?" I say and he mumbles an agreement. I don't try to question him what is wrong, knowing I can probably find out when I see him. I reassure him that things are going to be okay, trying my hardest to soothe him over the phone.

I speed, happily not passing any cops and get their within ten minutes on the usual twenty minute drive. Troye stays quiet on the call but I'm too focused on the road to question him anyways. I pull up in front of the apartment quickly, putting the car in park, jumping out of it and running over to Troyes slumped over body that's leaning against a telephone pole.

"Troye?" I say cautiously as he stares at the ground, unmoving. He slowly looks up to me, revealing his tear stained cheeks and red rimmed eyes. I immediately close the distance between us, opening my arms as I walk to him and he meets me halfway. His fragile arms wrapping around my waist and burying his head in my shoulder.

My hand rubs soothing circles in his back and run my hand through his hair, smoothing it down. He mumbles into my shoulder and I listen extra hard to hear what he's saying, "Sorry. Sorry. I'm sorry." He repeats.

I pull away from him slightly to look at his face, only inches away from mine. He looks up at me with big eyes. "Shhh. You've done nothing wrong. It's okay, babe." I say, wiping under his eyes and ridding them of his tears. "Let's go?" I ask and he nods. I unwillingly let go of him, grabbing his hand softly and walking him to the passenger side of the door and softly closing it for him once he is seated inside of it.

I turn to him once I get inside of the car, seeing him staring out of the window blankly. I take this time to take in his appearance, quickly noticing the top three buttons of his shirt undone sloppily, unknowingly revealing a hickey. I cringe at that but quickly wipe it away, softly grabbing Troyes hand in mine softly so I'm holding it in mine. He barely turns to look at me, only enough to look at me through his peripheral vision.

"Was it consensual?" I ask quietly, rubbing circles into his hand. He nods but doesn't turn to me. It takes me a second before everything clicks in my head, realizing what happened.

My grip on Troyes hand tightens before I let go completely to start the car. After getting on the road my hand finds his again.

"Sorry for calling you. I could have gotten a cab or something." I hear him mumble.

"Are you crazy, Troye? You can call me for anything and you know that." I reassure him.

"I know. I just didn't want to bother you." He mumbles back.

"Troye, what did he tell you?" I question softly, knowing that something has got under his skin.


"Come on, Troye. You can tell me." I reassure him, rubbing circles into his hand.

"He said that I bother you to much and you don't get anything in return." He says in a whispered tone. I clench my jaw, not wanting anything to slip out that might hurt Troye even more.

"Well, good thing we both know that's bullshit considering the only thing I need in return is a friendship with the best person I've ever met and the only annoying thing about you is that you're never annoying. Annoy me, please. Stop being so perfect. It's not fair." I say, dramatically. I almost take the time to pat myself on the back when I see Troye slightly smiling with a small chuckle.

"Now, let's go get some Nutella Frapuccino's from Starbucks and have some tumblr time with troyler. You haven't had Nutella in a couple of hours. You're bound to pass out any second." I joke, gaining another laugh from Troye and making my heart warm.

"I love you, Tilly." He says, almost completely back to normal. I turn our hands so our fingers are now interlocked.

"And I love you, TroyeBoy. Never forget it, either."

OHI, GUYS. WHAT UP? WHAT UP? WHAT UP? Nothing? Okay, cool. Nevermind then. Hi. How are you guys? I'm great. Thanks for asking. What am I even talking about? Okay, I was supposed to put this up yesterday. I'M HORRIBLE. I'M SORRY. It's here now and they even held hands. Great. I have nothing else to say so I hope you all have a wonderful day and I love you all to death. Dubai. 



(Dedicated to @ash-tin bc I know she doesn't read this but I love her stories more than life itself. Honestly, Skinny Love has been my shit ever since it started and oh my gosh it is so good and everybody should read it. Don't get me started on Cloud Nine though because it is so perfect and everything I need even though it just started like slay me with your introduction and your writing abilities. She's literally just perfect and nice and pretty and amazing and should I even continue? She's just perfect, okay. I'm going to stop now. I just love you, okay? Dubai.) 

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