Chapter Twenty Five.

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latenighthush: "Girls actually do this. When we get really happy like that. We smile and can't stay still and get a little embarrassed about it." 

@tyleroakley: "Boys do it too. I can confirm." 

Tylers POV. 

(Sorry if this is horrible. I'm sleepy.)

Do you ever feel like you have to do something, like you just really have to do something or it will physically hurt you? Maybe, you have to see your favorite band in concert or that you have to stay home from school. That's the only thing I can come up with in the agonizingly long seconds after I randomly kissed Troye in bed. That had to be the reason because I simply couldn't find another. It wasn't even a big deal, just a small peck on the lips, but I was still terrified. I just felt like I needed to kiss him so I did. 

So, I simply turned in my bed with cherry red cheeks and a weird smile between fear and genuine happiness. The happiness soon taking over when I feel the bed shift and Troyes lips on my cheek before his arms wrap around my body, saying a soft goodnight before finally resting completely in bed. 

I lie in bed, staring at the wall just trying to figure out what has happened tonight. But as the time passes, I just continue with an empty head and a steadily growing headache. I sigh, deciding to just turn myself over to sleep. Focusing on the precious boys breath near my ear and the small hums every now and then, I drift into my own dream world, reality fading away to give me time on my own. 


Lights flood into the room before I even fully wake up, causing me to groan and move in my limbo between sleep and reality. Against my will, I'm dragged into the morning. Thankfully, it wasn't one of those mornings where you wake up and it feels like you just passed out for two minutes rather than get a whole night of sleep. It was a good night of sleep and I felt well rested, cuddling into nobodies other than Troyes warm embrace. 

I don't open my eyes, still to tired and comfortable for all that effort, simply just lying there trying to find my way back into a deeper sleep. There's no such thing as too much time in bed, especially when that bed includes a cuddly hot Australian. I've lucked out so far. 

Speaking of hot Australians, I decided to check to see if he was awake. Internally pouting when the sun found my opening eyes, I soon saw the precious boy silently scrolling through his phone. He looked down at me, noticing I moved my head on his chest to look up at him. 

A beautiful smile finds his lips when he sees me, making me melt inside, even more so when he greets me, "Good morning, beautiful." I hum in response, closing my eyes after cuddling closer to him. 

"What are you doing?" I say sleepily, rubbing my eyes with the back of my hand to wake me up a bit. 

"Waiting on you to wake up. I've actually got to go though. I've to do some things for my new album." He says apologetically, knowing the chances of me wanting him to leave is negative a million. I pout but try to hide it, not wanting to make him feel bad when I already knew he had to go to the studio today.

"Okay. Are you coming back tonight?" I ask, sighing into his chest. 

"Probably not. I won't be leaving until late." He says, pausing after, like he was going to continue but couldn't. I don't answer, looking up at him to prompt him to continue talking. 

"And - I was kind of, maybe, hoping that we could do something tomorrow?" He questions, fighting through the stutter and hesitancy in his voice. A smile invades my steadily heating face, trying to calm myself to come up with a normal answer, not an excited squeal I was fighting off.

"Like a date?" I question, trying to sound at least a bit sure of myself but ultimately failing, the words coming out breathy and nervous.

"Yeah. I mean, if you want," He mumbles, pink caressing his jaw bone. 

"Yeah, that sounds great," I say, flying high on cloud nine. 

"Okay, cool," Troye giggles out, smiling down at me, making me begin to laugh and eventually we're both clutching our stomach and laughing loudly into each other. A while later, we finally calm down after the random uncalled for laughter spell. 

"Okay, okay. I really have to go now," Troye says, now lying on his side facing me. 

"If you must," I say, putting on my biggest puppy dog pout.

"I'll text you. See you tomorrow?" He says, lovingly rolling his eyes at me.

"It's a date," I say in a sing song voice with a wink, doing anything to prolong Troyes visit. 

He sighs, giving me an awkward half hug from the way we are lying before pulling away. Although, the separation didn't last long, his lips quickly pecking mine, leaving me wanting more when he backs away with a smile. 

"Goodbye, babe," He sings while walking out the door, leaving me alone in my bed. 

"Be safe." I call before hearing the front door shut. 

With an exasperated sigh, I fall back into bed and stare at my ceiling. I could faintly remember doing this so many times with tears falling down my face or a blank expression, but not this time, a smile huge on my face as I stare at nothing. Giggling at my own stupidity, I bring my hands to my face and turn in bed, trying to shield myself from the deep blush spreading on my face. 

When did I become the one to blush all the time and get left lying alone with my heart beat faster than a train?

What have I gotten myself into?

OHI. Sorry this is short but next chapter is the date so get over it. Only a few more chapters left, I guess? Depends really. I need to get my life together. So much has happened. I don't even know where to begin so I'm just not going to start. Dubai. I love you all to death and I'll see you "soon."

--- ohitroyler.


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