Chapter Thirteen.

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"I want to be drunk when I wake up on the right side of the wrong bed." Drunk // Ed Sheeran.

Troyes POV.

Tyler calls a bye as he rushes out to see Luke, leaving me alone in his apartment which is rather boring when he isn't there protruding my every thought. I didn't enjoy the anchor that was in the bottom of my stomach as Tyler disappears to wherever the guy he was smitten with was taking him either.

I groaned falling back onto the L-shaped couch and pulled out my phone, ignoring the various texts and clicking Connors name. Connor and I had a very weird friendship to say the least and after a lonely weekend of Tyler flying away I found enjoyment in hanging with the coffee addict which always ended in random kisses and some rather heated moments. We were nothing but friends and that's all I ever want with him but after not hanging out with him in ages with or without Tyler I was having withdrawals from the boy and what better time to enjoy him while Tyler has found something else to entertain him than me.

The phone only rings twice before the boy answers and I could basically hear his bright smile as he screeches. "TroyeBoy!"

"ConDaBon" I screech back Connors nickname.

"Miss me already?" He laughs out.

"If by already you mean after the months of us not hanging out then yes." I reply cheekily.

"Sure, you just can't stay away," He says, jokingly.

"And you don't want me to either." I add in a joking matter.

"Whatever," He laughs out.

"So am I hanging out with my favorite cat addict tonight or not?" I ask.

"First of all, yes. Second of all, it is not an addiction. It is just something that I like more than most people," He tries to save himself.

"So an addiction?" I tease.

"Shut up. Just be at my place soon," He says before hanging up the phone and making me laugh slightly as I get up to go get ready.

I perfect my quiff, wash my face, and pick out one of my best outfits. I make sure I look perfectly, ready for whatever may or may not happen with me and Connor tonight. Connors and my friendship is like a seesaw, one minute we're jumping each others bones and the next we're drinking alcohol on his couch while talking about kittens and how much of a god I am with my tumblr game.

I take an Uber to Connors new apartment that he just recently moved into after deciding to part ways with the Our Second Life boys. Thankfully, he has felt a lot better after getting more time on his hands to work on things and to relax.

Eventually, I am happy to find myself in front of the doorstep and bringing my hand to knock on the door. The door swings open to reveal Connor with a bright smile, nice quiff, and a tank top showing his arms on.

Speaking of arms, I was now being pulled into his as he screeches my name and I excitedly screech his back.

When he pulls away, huge smiles are on both of our faces and he's grabbing my arm to pull me inside.

"Troye, I thought when you moved to California we would actually be hanging out more," Connor whines as he directs me to the couch.

"I did too but things have been crazy," I replied as Connor takes a sip of, obviously, coffee.

"Yeah, you and Tyler right?" Connor says with a knowing smirk though my confused face in the moment should have knocked that right off his face.

"What about me and Tyler?" I ask confused but Connor just rolls his eyes at me.

"I already know, Troye. What has happened?"

"Nothing has happened between me and Tyler? What are you talking about?" I reply.

"Whatever, Troye. You've basically shacked up with him these past few months. Something has to have happened. Everybody thinks you're together." He explains as I hold in a laugh.

"Nothing is happening with me and Tyler. Nothing will ever happen with me and Tyler." I laugh out.

"Okay, okay. Whatever," Connor says, putting his hands up in surrender. 

"Good," I say, now relaxing back into the couch.

"But I still don't believe you," Connor adds, gaining a hit in the head from a pillow by me. He groans, crossing his arms but effectively shutting up. A small conversation passes and soon enough I am lying my head in his lap, scrolling through tumblr as he does whatever on his phone. 

After a while, I can't help but notice how boring my dash is without the small American flooding it with jokes and love towards his people. Tyler was obviously to busy on his date to be on tumblr.

I groan before beginning to whine to Connor and slide Connors phone out of his hand to the other side of the couch, "Connor, I'm bored." 

"Hey," He whines back, trying to reach his phone but can't under the weight of my head on his lap. He huffs, knowing he won't get his way before giving in, "Fine. What do you want to do?" 

"I don't know. What do you want to do?" I turn the question back on Connor, making him roll his eyes.

"You seem tense tonight. Lets go get drunk." Connor decides.

"I am not tense." I whine, crossing my arms making Connor laugh at me.

"You always are without your boyfriend here." He teases.

"I don't have a boyfriend!" 

"Tell that to Tyler," Connor laughs out with a wink. 

"I will literally leave right now," I threaten the irritating boy. 

"Okay, whatever. Lets go get drunk," He says, getting off the couch.

"I don't know. I don't really go to clubs without Tyler," I say unsure but when Connor gives me that stupid 'you're just proving my point' look, I throw my hands into the air and groan.

"Fine, lets go. Just shut up about Tyler." I say, standing up and gathering my phone and necessities as Connor cheers. 

OHI, GUYS. I am finally updating after twelve years. This past week has been crazy and school was hell, (who would have guessed it?)

So I really don't like this chapter because it's just a filler and I am really bad at writing filters, (that's why it took so long.) But, there is some drama coming up, (cue evil laughing.) And I have decided where I want this to go and I have decided that this story will probably be a bit short bc honestly I'm not very proud of this and I'm just not feeling it. (This might change though.) I will finish it though, I promise. It's just harder for me to write because I'm more of a fluffier writer, (if you read my other fanfiction you'd understand that's my main thing.) I have some good ideas for future fanfics that I really like right now so don't fret. 

But anyslays, I know what I'm doing with this story and you will all hate it. (Cue more evil laughter.) And there's some new fanfics coming soon, (That you all will also hate. Cue even more evil laughter.) That's basically it. I love you all and hope you had a wonderful day. Dubai. 

Slay ya slayter.



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