"Of course honey. I got to pray hard that you sister can see again."  Mom cups Alice's face and smiles warmly.

            "Shh.. Don't talk too much. This is hospital." Dad warns them to control their voice.

            "Pie honey, how do you feel?" Dad sits at the edge of Pie's bed. Pie's eyes were still wrapped with the bandage. The doctor will unwrap it this afternoon.

            "Hmm.. I'm fine. I'm so nervous." Pie reaches out her hands in order to feel her Dad.

            "I'm here honey." Pie's dad takes her hands.

            "Aren't you going to work today?" Pie asks to her father and also her sister.

            "I did tell my boss that I'll go to the office this afternoon." Alice answers her sister.

            "How about you Dad?" Pie asks again as her Dad didn't say anything.

            "Yeah. Me too. I'm sorry dear that I can't accompany you till you come out from here."Dad says apologetically. Pie's dad only ordinary officer at a huge company. So it's not easy for him to get a leave.

            "It's okay Dad. At least you are here when the doctor unwrap my eyes later." Pie smiles to her Dad. She feels so nervous right now. It isn't a guarantee for her to see again after this surgery. But she still had the hope of seeing the world again.

            "Is my friends are already here?" Pie asks to her family.

            "Friends?" All of her family members question her back.

            "Yeah my friends. Fern, Yam, Puey and my boyfriend Kim." Pie forgot to tell them that her friends are coming too this afternoon.

            "Oh Pie, it's still morning. Not even afternoon yet. Perhaps they are still working." Mom says to Pie as she knows that Pie might not realize the time is not afternoon yet.

            "Oh, I see." Pie pouts. She thought that it's already noon. She really misses Kim and can't wait to see her beloved boyfriend.

            "Hey, I heard you mention one name earlier. Who is your boyfriend Pie? Why Dad didn't know about it?" Pie's Dad asks out of his curiosity. He is quite surprise when Pie told them that she has a boyfriend.

            "No one ever meet her boyfriend." Alice answers before Pie could say anything.

            "That's why I ask him to come today. So that you all can see him too." Pie giggles as she can feel that all eyes are on her.

            "But still, how come Dad don't know about him." Pie's Dad sounds a little bit sulky.

            "Oh my hubby don't be sad. Let Mom and Alice judge your boyfriend." Pie's Mom says confidently.

            "I wonder how is his face? Does he look so handsome?" Alice is the one who day dreaming about her sister's boyfriend.

            "I'm sure you will like him. He is so handsome." Pie smiles as she imagines how handsome Kim could be as she can see his face in just another few hours.

Almost noon..

            *Dertt*Dertt*Dertt* Kim's phone vibrates as she put it in silent mode.

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