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Lily's pov

My heavy eyes squinted, trying to adapt to the light. When they did, I was confused of my surroundings. This wasn't my room? It was Lucifers.

" Good morning, Darling" his voice startled me, and the sudden realisation of his arm around me and my naked body hit me.

I slid away from him, wrapping the sheets around myself.

" I'm sorry I fell asleep last night" I gulped nervously, Embarrassed.

He raised his dark brow" why would you apologise for falling asleep?" He questioned.

" I just- incase you like sleeping alone and I'm just totally intruding. I should have slept in my room, you should have just took me there or even woke me up I wouldn't mind I mean-" the look on his face stopped me continuing, realising I was rambling.

" My little worrier, aren't you? You don't need to with me, my love. As for the answers to your rambling. Having you beside me was very peaceful, you're certainly not intruding, I would prefer you to sleep with in this room and I most definitely wouldn't wake you out of your sleep. Especially when you looked so peaceful." He spoke.

I couldn't help the little smile that crept onto my lips.

" you're so kind" I complimented. At first he looked puzzled, as if I had said something wrong. Was it offensive to call the ruler of hell kind? I didn't think so.

" Did I say something wrong?" I questioned, my brows knitting together.

He shook his head " of course not my love. You're just so" he pondered " you have so much kindness in your own heart, to compare that to me I'm simply honoured. Thank you, no one has that that before" he smiled. Leaning over to kiss my forehead.

" May I ask you this though. Why are you so far away?" He chuckled.

My cheeks flushed. Digging my head into the pillow I groaned.

" Tell me" he laughed.

" I know you seen me naked last night but I just got a little shy" I answered. Lucifer pulled me over to him, my head resting on his bicep.

" I don't want to be vulgar darling, but your body is enough to make my veins turn to ice. You're so prefect, I don't know how I deserve you" he said, resting his cheek on my head.

" You compliment me far too much. Thank you " I smiled.

" No need, my angel" he replied.

Lucifer's pov

I slipped a black shirt on, buttoning it half way. Then pairing it with some black trousers.

The distant noise of the water was heard from the bathroom as lily showered.

My thoughts of going in there and devouring her were so hard to subside. I wanted to take her, join us together for eternity but I would wait on her forever.

My little darling.

Today I would show her around a little more. Although I'm keeping her out of the bottoms of hell, my angel is too precious to step foot in that awful place.

"Lil?" I knocked on the door.

" Be out in a sec!" She shouted, dropping something.

"Shit" she cussed, making me chuckle.

" No swearing. I've got innocent ears" I teased.

" yeah right" she laughed, coming out with a white fluffy towel around her petite frame.

"I got Elizabeth's mother Aurora to get you some more clothes. They will do until we get some today" I smiled, trying to look at anything but her tempting body.

" Today?" She asked.

" Yes love. We're going back to your world to get a few things"

The sound of rustling made me assume she was changing, so I stayed facing the other side. Although the mirror was positioned a little too perfectly as my eyes accidentally landed on her.

I don't think I'll ever be able to get used to her. Her long flowing hair, perfectly carved face, long dark lashes and her incredible body. she was too much for me to handle.

Why was I destined to fall in love with a human that's far too good for the likes of myself.

" I'm ready" she said. I turned around, feeling slightly awful for pretending I didn't just see her.

" beautiful" I smiled, tucking a strand of her wet hair behind her ear.

" you do that a lot, you know" Lily giggled, looking up at me with her doe eyes.

" do what?" I asked, my head tilting in confusion.

" you tuck my hair from my face" she smiled " it's sweet. Your thing"

" Don't want it hiding your beauty" I winked, kissing her lips.

" might be a silly question but do you have a hair dryer? I managed to find a comb but yeah." She asked, using her fingers to take through her long hair.

" I'm sorry, I should have asked. When we get one today. I'm sure Aurora will have one, let me check" I smiled.

I was there and back in seconds.
" here you go" I smirked, her facial expression went from shocked to annoyed.

" I wish I could do that" she huffed, making me laugh at her.

" Aurora also gave you this bag of toiletries" I said, pointing at the small pink bag.

" that's kind. I'll need to thank her"
She smiled.

Lily's pov

" okay you're walking way too fast. Remember your legs are a lot longer than mine" I sighed, as lucifer walked ahead whilst holding my hand.

" Not my fault you're made so small" he teased, looking over his muscular shoulder with a smile.

" I'm average height Luce, you're just abnormally tall" I laughed.

" I am not " He protested.

" ah see! Shouldn't give out what you can't take back" I said, pursuing my lips.

" I've met my match with you love" he laughed.

Things started to look familiar as we walked down the street. This was around the corner from my apartment.

" Are we going to my house?" I asked, trying to contain my excitement.

" Yes my darling" I thought you'd like to get your own things and have your surroundings back for a bit.

When we got to the door, I reached into my pocket for my key.

My key!

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