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Lily's pov
I hummed, towel trying my hair. After digging through Lucifer's cabinets, it turns out the devil doesn't have a hair dryer.

I ran my fingers through the knotted mess. Settling on leaving my wild hair to air dry.

I wrapped the white fluffy towel around my goose bumped body.

God was it cold.

I shivered, entering back into the bedroom. Only to be met with Lucifer leaning against the wall.

His hair was pushed back, a leather jacket draped across his muscular frame.

His hair was pushed back, a leather jacket draped across his muscular frame

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Damn he was hot.

He raised a brow, smirking at me.
" It really is rude to stare sweetheart, were you not taught manners" he scolded playfully.

My cheeks seemed to heat up instantly, an angry red blush flushing my cheeks.

Lucifer chuckled, making his way over to me swiftly. His tall frame towering over mine.

His cold finger tilted my chin up, my eyes meeting with his ice blue ones.

" no need to be shy angel, I think you're a delight to look at" He spoke darkly.

I gripped the towel wrapped around me tightly, scared of it falling with my current swooning state.

His tall stature leaned forward coming closer to my small frame.

I gasped as his hot breath landed on my neck.

" Go get ready then sweetheart" he whispered huskily.

His lips grazing my neck teasingly " unless you want me to undress you?" He chuckled.

" I.. I no.. I meant I can do it myself" I blurted we out pathetically.

" very well then, go on" he smiled, pointing to the neat pile of clothing on the bed.

I rushed over, scooping up the pile and heading to the bathroom.

I changed into a pair of black jeans, a long sleeve shirt and a pair of black converse.

" ready " I said, meeting him back in the room. Meeting an approving nod from Lucifer.

" I've got some work to do today, id like you to attend. " he spoke calmly.

I couldn't help but giggle at the thought. What would Lucifer do at " work"

" something humour you love?" He questioned with a raised brow.

" what kind of work does the devil do?" I asked intrigued.

A smirk pulled at his lips " you'd be surprised. How about you come find out?" He said.

I thought about it for a few seconds..

Why not? What's the worst that could happen.

" deal" I nodded.

" oh didn't anyone tell you love? Never make a deal with the devil" he laughed, shaking his head.

I just rolled my eyes at his remark, making my way to the door.

" wait" Luce said, holding a leather item to me.

" what's this?" I asked confused.

" Thought we could match" he suggested.

My brows furrowed as I took the item from his, examining it.

It was a leather jacket.

" A leather jacket ?" I giggled. Really? Oh well, matching it is then.

I slipped it on, taking a look in the mirror. Hm, wasn't too bad.

" let's go then my little devil" Lucifer winked.

Guess I'm in for a long day.

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