Chapter 15

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As Killian rode on his horse through the village, he held on to Lucy, who showed him the way to her home. When they got to Lucy's home, he gently put her to ground, and Lucy ran inside.

"Mama! Papa! I brought Lord Killian." Lucy said as she entered, the small home. Killian soon followed right behind her.

"Oh my god." Lucy's mother, Ella, whispered to herself.

As soon as Killian, entered the home, he saw Emma laying on the bed. She was semiconscious, but she seemed to have no idea of where she was, or who he was.

"What happened to her?" He asked Lucy's parents.

"We found her like this milord." Lucy's father, Henry, answered him.

Killian quickly picked up Emma in his arms, and led her out of the home. When he got on his horse with her he simply said, "Don't die Emma. Don't die." And rode back to the château as fast as he could.

When he got back to the château, he quickly took Emma to his room, and laid her down on his bed. He ordered Robin and Regina to help her.

Regina felt her forehead, "She's burning up, the fever must be very high." She began to undress her, to keep the fever from getting any higher.

"Robin, keep the fire going." Killian ordered, and Robin went to the fireplace to add more wood.

"Why didn't anyone inform me?" Gothel asked from the doorway, "It's hardly appropriate to leave her here."

"It was my decision." Killian told her, "Now I need to fetch a doctor immediately."

"I'll leave right away, milord." Robin offered.

"No, I'll go." Killian simply told him.

Before he could leave the room, Gothel said to him, "I forbid you to go. It'll be dark soon, and a storm is coming. Wait until tomorrow."

"Tomorrow, could be too late."

"Killian, wait." Gothel said, but he left without giving her a second glance. Then she turned to Regina and Robin and said, "For her own good, no one is too touch her, until the Lord returns." They knew she was trying to prevent them from helping Emma, but they had no choice, her word was as good as the Lord's.


Killian rode through the darkness of the night and the howling wind, to the next village to obtain a doctor. When he got to the doctor's home, he jumped from his horse, and began banging on the door.

"I need the doctor quickly." He said.

"The doctor is not at home." A voice came from the other side of the door.

Killian quickly grew impatient, and broke down the door. On the other side was a frightened maid.

"Where is he?" Killian shouted.

"At the tavern." She said.

Killian quickly made his way to the tavern. As soon as he entered, everyone and everything became quiet. Except for the highly intoxicated doctor, who continued to laugh drunkenly. It was clear to Killian that this doctor would be of no use to him.

As he made his way back to the château he had an idea of someone at the château, who may be able to help Emma.


He ran into Alice's study, and told her, "You need to help her."

"I'm just a nose. I make perfumes not medicine." Alice said.

Killian grabbed her by her collar, and said, "Help her."

"And if it doesn't work?"

"Listen to me, she can't die. Do you hear me? Do you Under me? I can't lose her as well." Killian said.

Alice could see in her uncle's eyes that he truly did care for her.

Before he left the room he said, "Please, save her."


Emma's fever was getting worst by the minute. As the lightning crashed outside the window, Emma would toss and turn.

Alice had begun mixing different herbs, with the little knowledge she had of their medicinal properties. With any luck it would at least help Emma to break the fever.

"What are you giving her?" Killian asked Alice.

"Aloe, cardamom, and distilled bee venom." Alice answered.

"Are you sure of what you are doing?" He asked.

"No. Do you have a better idea?" Alice slowly lifted the cup to Emma's mouth. She made sure Emma drank every last drop of the potion.

"How long will it take?" Killian asked.

"Probably all night." Alice answered.

"There's nothing else we can do?" He asked

"Only wait."

Killian immediately left the room. Not baring to see what may happen to Emma.

"Now he worries. It's his fault that she is like this." Regina said.

"Will you please, get me some more hot water?" Alice asked quickly, before Regina could say anything else.

"Right away, malady. I'm so sorry for what I said. And Regina and Robin left the room. Leaving only Alice and an unconscious Emma in the room.

"Regina is right." Alice said to Emma. "We all know what's going on. They hurt you, and now your heart is in pieces. Sometimes it's not easy to separate things. Take oleander for example. It grows spontaneously, practically everywhere. It's an enchanting scent, but if you burn it, it can turn to poison. My uncle once had a wonderful life. And then on a night like tonight, everything he cared for was destroyed by the fire. So is it the oleander's fault the fire makes it poison. Was it uncle Killian's fault that he turned to anger. No, not entirely at least."

Alice heard Regina's footsteps walking up behind her.

"There's nothing worse then losing happiness once you find it." Alice said to an unresponsive Emma.

"Will she make it?" Regina asked.

"I don't know." Alice said.


Killian was walking around the burned east wing of the château. He came upon a room, he hadn't dared to enter in years, the chapel. He found himself for the first time in years, desperate enough to pray. He removed his mask and began to pray.

"If you exist, help her. I know you will not listen, but I swear if she survives, I will change." He said.

He prayed to every god, goddess, and higher being in the known universe, that ever was or ever will be. He do anything for the woman he loves.

The Heart's DesireOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora