Chapter 10

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As soon as she came back Emma began unpacking Killian's things. She started on a large trunk filled with clothes, books and other miscellaneous items. There was a small glint in the corner of the trunk that immediately caught her eye.

It was a silver compass with intricate engravings on it. It reminded her of the antique silver compass that belonged to Emma's father. But she knew there was no way this could be the same compass. So she put it on top of Killian's desk and finished with her task.


Later that night Emma was in her room reading, when the howling of the wind started up again. But then she realized it wasn't the wind but the crying voice. Emma immediately grabbed her shawl and lantern, and headed towards the burned east wing again. This time Emma had a better understanding of the château so she didn't get lost this time.

Emma entered the room where she believed the noise was coming from. The room seemed to be some kind of parlor. It was almost unrecognizable with chairs overturned, and burn marks along all the walls.

"Is that you Milah?" A voice asked from behind her.

Emma turned around to see Killian behind her. All she could say was, "I'm sorry. Forgive me, I just..."

"You, What are you doing here?" He asked her, he seemed to be in some kind of trance, "Do you to die? Do you want to die like her?" He said pointing to a portrait of a beautiful brunette, that Emma assumed was lady Milah.

"No." Emma said softly. She had never seen him act like this before.

"Leave me to die." He said.

Emma couldn't just leave him here. She believed that he was in serious need of a doctor. "Let me help you." She said to him.

Then his entire demeanor changed again, "What do you want from me?" He grabbed her by her arms and began to shake her. "Why are you tormenting me?" He then threw her to ground and said, "Don't ever let me see you in here again." He yelled as Emma began to run back to her room.

Emma just ran and ran, never daring to turn around to see if he was following her. It didn't really hit her to what had happened until, she was back in the safety of her room. Then she began to cry.


The next day Emma chose to focus on her chores and try not to think about what happened the night before.

She busy washing the laundry, when she noticed Walsh walking towards her. She silently hope that he hadn't come all this way just to harass her. "For you." Walsh said handing her a letter and walking away.

The letter was from her father and she read it:

Dear Emma,

Some happy new my beloved daughter. The Midaeum ministry has commissioned me to transport a large supply of tobacco. With the profits I'll be able to repay a good sum of my debt. The day of your liberation is closer.

I learned that I received this commission thanks to the intersection of a nobleman. Unfortunately I've been unable to learn his identity, so all I could do to thank him, was send him my grandfather's silver compass. I was sorry to see it go, but my honor required me to pay this mysterious man, back in some way.

With all my love,

David Nolan

That was when Emma realized what had really happened.


Emma went to Killian's study, where she found him drinking his rum.

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