Chapter 2

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As soon as Walsh had walked out the door Snow White went to go talk to David, telling her children to go to their rooms. Of course it never worked when they were smaller, and it didn't work now. Leo and Emma crept up to the door of their father's study.

"Well, what did he say?" The heard their mother ask.

David answered "Either I give him the deed to the Conte de Fée or..."

"Or, what?" Snow White asked.

David answered, "Or I turn over one of our children, to work for him, until I can pay off this debt."

Snow White lost the feeling in her legs and fell into a chair right by her husband.

David grabbed her hand, "If Lord Killian thinks that I would actually hand over one of our children to him. Then he is truly madman. I'll give him the deed to the Conte de Fée by the end of the week. It'll completely ruin us financially but, it's better than being under the thumb of that lunatic."

"Even if we have to sell all our possessions, and move out into a cramped cottage in the countryside. We'll still have each other." Snow White told her husband encouragingly.

Emma And Leo went back up the stairs as quietly as they could. Emma noticed a worrisome look upon her brother's face.

"Leo don't worry. Even if we do have to start from scratch, we'll find a way to work it out. Besides there is a much bigger world out there, beyond this city." Emma told trying to pick him up out of his slump.

"Emma you don't understand. Mother and father may be able to get out of their debt, but I'm not free of my debts." Leo told her.

Emma asked him, "What are you talking about? Please tell me you haven't been playing cards with that cheat, Pan again."

Leo lowered his head guiltily, not even trying to make eye contact with his sister.

"Leo, why?" She asked him trying to find some kind of reason in his answer.

"I thought I could double my money, and help father pay off his debt." Leo had told her.

Neither Emma or Leo said anything for a long moment. Eventually Emma started up the conversation again.

"How much?"

"About double what I started out with."

"Do father and mother know?" She asked.

Leo answered, "No I haven't told them...yet."

"What are you going to do? Pan is very dangerous, if you try to leave town without paying him back he'll hurt you or worse."

"I know, that's why I won't leave with mother, father, and you." Leo told his sister firmly.

"What do you mean?" She asked, almost to scared to know the answer.

"I'll stay in the city, and find a job to payoff my debt. Then when my debt is clear I will meet you all in countryside." He told her.

"What kind of job could you get?"

"They are always looking for deck hands down by the port." He said.

"Leo you hate the water and, a lot of those ships go on very dangerous voyages." She told him.

"I know but, this is my mess and I intend to clean it up." He told her firmly.


Soon after their parents had come to them and, told them of their plans to hand over the Conte de Fée and move to the countryside. Then Leo told of how he owed money to Pan and, how he would stay behind to find work at the docks to pay it off.

Later that night, Emma couldn't stop thinking about how everyone in her family was sacrificing something but her. Her parents were sacrificing the Conte de Fée and the their source of income. Her brother was sacrificing his well being. But most of all her father was sacrificing his dream of sailing the sea with his family.

Emma couldn't just stand by and watch her family sacrifice so much, when there was something she could do about all of it.

Emma found an old carpet bag among her things and, she started filling it with her clothes, her hairbrush, and a couple of her favorite books.

When she was finished packing her bag, she went over to her desk, picked up her writing pen and wrote a letter to her family.

Dear Father, Mother, and Leo,

By the time you read this, I'll be far away from here. Do not worry about me, I'll be alright. You must be wondering why I would make this decision.

I couldn't watch you all sacrifice so much, while I just stood there and watch. This way father you won't have to turn over the Conte de Fée, and Leo you can work with father to help clear your gambling debt.

I know no matter what I say you will worry about me but, try to see it as me going on my first grand adventure. I know this may not be the kind of adventure I dreamed of as a kid. However it will be an adventure all the same. With a new land to see, and new people to meet.

I promise when I do come back I'll be more alive, more experience, and ready for the next adventure.

I love you all so much.



As Emma folded up the letter she held back tears. She knew if she let even one tear fall, she wouldn't be able to go through with her decision. She slid the letter under her parent's bedroom door.

Afterward she put on her long red coat and grabbed her carpet bag, then she walked out of the only home she had ever known.

Before she left the city she decided to get one last good look at the ocean. She stood there for a bit trying to memorize the sound of waves crashing against the land. She took in a deep breath retaining the amiable smell of the water, and the taste of salt in the air.m

Then she left into the pristine predawn hours, and towards Lord Killian's château.

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