"Here's your food! I hope you enjoy!" The waiter came back much faster than you thought and placed your food in front of you. Asta was already eating before you could even say thank you. When you did, she smiled and walked away. You ate a couple bites of your food and turned around again to go back to watching. Finral was able to get their attention by telling them about the Magic Knights and his magic. He was about to tell him some things he's done recently, but even you knew all he's done was send Yami to different parts of the base. He quickly sent the question over to Luck. He was always fighting people, so he must of had a story to tell, but of course instead of saying something like "I fought off ten bandits, and it was super cool!" or something along the lines of that, he went into full detail about how he beat them to pulps and could've killed them, but broke their bones instead. Their faces went from interested to realizing that these people were crazy. He went to talk again, but Finral stopped him by slapping his hand over his mouth and asking Magna what he's been up to.

  "How're they doing over there?" Asta asked with a mouth full of food. You just shook your head and gave him a thumbs down. He blinked a few times before going back to watching. Magna talked about a mission he went out but came back with a few injuries. He proceeded to lift up his shirt and show them and start talking about them.

  That's when Luck proceeded to start poking them.

  It was painful to watch at this point, so you just turned around and continued eating. You guessed one of the girls was showing off her magic because Luck asked to see more of it. After a minute, Helene asked to see his magic, so they went outside, leaving two pairs of dates left.

  "YEAHH!! GO LUCK!!" Asta yelled out to him, causing everyone to look at him. You just hid your face and whisper-yelled back to him.

  "Asta! Shh!" He realized what he did and just laughed it off.

  "Who is that?" Helene asked Luck, but he wasn't embarrassed at all.

  "Haha! That's our friend Asta and that's his girlfriend (Y/N)! They're our friends from the Black Bulls!" You felt your face redden slightly as you and Asta were the center of attention. Luck and Helene walked out and the conversations went back to normal. Although, you saw one of the workers peeking from behind one of the walls, and she was looking straight at you. When you locked eyes, it was the girl from before that looked just like Noelle. You were 99.9% positive that it was her now. The eye color was the same and she even had the earrings. You finished your plate and decided to go investigate.

  "Hey um.. I'm gonna use the bathroom. I'll be right back." Asta nodded and you quickly walked to the "bathroom". When you turned the corner, there stood the "worker", now just a few steps further.

  "Noelle? Is that you?" Your question made her jump.

  "EEEE!! N-Noelle?! W-who's that?! I don't know a Noelle! Definitely not me!" She kept whipping her head back and forth looking for this so-called Noelle. You just stood there with a "really?" look on your face.

  "Noelle, I know it's you. Why are you here? And why are you dressed as one of the workers?"

  "Uhh..uhh.. no reason. I definitely didn't come to watch the blind date!" Her face was bright red. You didn't even have any words at this point, so you just smiled and said you would see her later and headed back to your table.

Finral then talked about how he would bring Erika to watch the sunset sometime, and that he'd like to go camping with her. He called the waiter for another drink, but immediately went out onto the patio with her, leaving Magna and Rebecca by themselves. It was the most awkward thing in the world to watch, as both of them sat in silence. Rebecca was just looking around. Magna tried to ask her about her favorite food, but she just stated that he didn't have to try and make small talk. She just came because Erika said she should find a guy for the sake of her siblings. You wondered what happened to her parents. Apparently, she had three younger brothers and two younger sisters. Having to take care of five siblings by herself must have been extremely difficult, and it makes sense why her friend would try and get her to find a boyfriend. Magna and Rebecca started talking about their siblings, like how they can be annoying most of the time, but you eventually begin to miss them. You really only felt this way about Yuuma. You saw as Noelle hid her face behind a plate, but watched the whole scene go down. She seemed so stressed, as she was able to break a plate clean in half. Just then, a clearly drunk man walked over to the table. He still had a full cup of wine in his mug. He questioned how Magna was able to even get into the Magic Knights before turning his attention to Rebecca, calling her a "flashy little thing". He recognized her as the worker at the local restaurant, and noticed how she always had a toddler strapped to her back.

  "If all those brats are yours, that means your man must have walked out on you!" She tried to defend herself by stating they were her siblings, but he continued on by adding she only wanted to get with a Magic Knight to live the easy life. He suddenly grabbed her shoulders and started that if she wanted an easy life, she should hang with him. The guy was creepy looking enough, so this was taking it way too far. Without another word, Asta got up from the table and stomped over to him. You decided to follow him to help them out. Asta grabbed the man by the arm and started to yell at him. The guy wasn't affected at all, he even mocked Asta, wanting to see what "amazing magic" he had. You stood behind Asta and just glared at man. Rebecca was too in shock to even move. When Asta said he couldn't use magic, he just started laughing, which pissed you off even more. If he could see the things he's achieved in the small time being a Magic Knight, his mind would change in an instant. You were about to but in, but Asta quickly swung the man over his shoulder, leaving him to smash into the ceiling, and then destroying a table where another blind date was happening. The girls at that table simply got up and left, saying it was a waste of time. When the manager came storming out of his office, Rebecca grabbed Asta's hand and started to run. He managed to grab yours as well before busting out of the door. You ran down an alleyway to catch your breath and hide.

  "Thank you Asta! I feel so much better now. You too, umm.. I didn't catch your name?" Rebecca stated after catching her breath.

  "Ah, I'm (F/N), nice to meet you!" You introduced yourself and smiled. The girl who hardly talked at all throughout the whole thing finally had an expression on her face. When Asta opened his eyes, Rebecca blushed and turned away. She returned to normal and invited you and Asta to stop by her restaurant one day and play with her siblings. Honestly, it sounded like a great idea. With all her siblings being younger than her, and with how pretty Rebecca was, her siblings were probably adorable.

  "By the way, what's the point of a mixer anyway?" You immediately spat out at him, chopping Asta on the head.

~~~~~End of Chapter~~~~~

Total word count: 2069
I feel like this chapter was actually more fun than I thought it would be to write! Now let's hope it doesn't take me like another month to write chapter 23 oops-
Also, if you didn't seen my announcement, this book is going to take place during the entirety of season one, so it will end after the seabed temple arc. Thank you for reading!
Any feedback is helpful, whether it be compliments or criticism. I want to make sure you enjoy the story!

Since We Were Young {Asta x Reader} {Slow Updates}Where stories live. Discover now