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Keith's POV
Warning: sexual stuff, if you don't like it then don't read it.
Wow I can't believe lance is on his knees for me right now. He looks so innocent too, why does he look so cute. Lance moves his head towards my dick and look up at me for permission. I nod letting him do whatever he wants.

Lance slowly takes my dick into his mouth. " lance~" I moan out, loving what Lance was doing. I gripped lances hair and pushed his head forward. I hear him gag when I do. I let go of his hair and bite my hands. Trying to stop myself from doing that again. Lance takes my dick out of his mouth. " Keith why are you biting your hand"? Lance said while panting.

I look away, blushing. " I made you gag and I don't want to hurt you ". Lance looked up at me, giving me a small smile. " Keith it's ok, you helped my so I'll help you"! Lance piped happily. I nod and let him continue.

Lance takes my dick back into his hand. He looks into my eyes as he licks my tip. " fuck lance~" I moan out as lance continues to take me into his mouth. My eyes roll back from the pleasure as I grip his hair again but I don't push him. I just pull his hair, I don't force him to take more of me. I hear lance moan as I pull on his hair. " nnnm, Keith~"

I pull on lances hair harder. I can feel the vibrations from his mouth on myself. I push lance forward, making him take all of my dick. He's face is pressed up against my stomach. I hear him gag but I don't let go. It felt so good to feel his throat convulsing around me. It felt so good, I started to feel that fuzzy feeling in my stomach. " lance if you don't sto-" I don't get all my words out as I cum into lances mouth. " LANCE~"

Lance swallows all of it. He then looks up at me smiling. " I did good...right"? He asks while looking up at me. " yeah baby really, really good".

Lance stands up a bit wobbly. I mean he was on his knees for a long time. "should would actually take a shower now"? I ask lance. " yeah probably, we have to meet Pige somewhere. She said we were going shopping"! My face lights up when lance tells me we're going shopping. "shopping"?!

" yeah shopping, keithy". I blush as the pet name. " don't call me that lance". Lance smirks. " what...keithy? I think it sound cute". I look away from lance not wanting him to see me as a tomato. " hey we don't do that, you look at me when you are taking. You got that". Lance says in a deep, low voice. I nod, not wanting lance to look or sound that scary for a while.

After are shower, we get dressed and eat. Like how normal people do. Lances phone goes off. He walks over to it. " oh it's Pige, she wants to meet us at the mall in an hour". I nod, putting my plate in the sink. I know I will have to clean it later because, we all know lance won't do it.

" hey Keith put on your socks and shoes. I'll be out in the car. I want to go somewhere before we meet up with Pige". I nod again. Waking into my room and put on sock that I had in my top left drawer on my dresser. I search for my shoes. I always forget where I put them. After finding them next to my door, I slip them on and walk out the door. I walk over to the car and scared the hell out of lance.

" fuck Keith you scared me"! I see he's on his phone. " who you taking to"? I ask. Lance looks over at me and smiles. "It's my mom she wants to take the whole family out of dinner to celebrate me getting into the garrison, but that's really expensive so I might not go to my own dinner". I see lance is really hurt. I should try to make today a fun day for him.

" hey lance it's ok, let's just have a fun day and enjoy are selves. Does that sound like a plan"? I look at lance and go to grab his hand. He pulls it away. " um yeah that a great plan Keith. Let's go". I don't know what just happened. I try to hold his hand and he doesn't let me. We are dating right. Wait, are we not dating? Does he not want to hold my hand because he hates me? What did I do to upset him?

" l-lance, c-can I as-ask a question"? Lance nods." Sure ask away". He looks over at me at a red light and smiles. " are we dating, like actually dating. Not that break up in two days dating"? Lance starts to blush. " yeah Keith we are actually dating. At least I think so. I mean unless you don't want to, that totally fine too"! Lance rambles. I smile at him. "Then may I hold your hand lance. Only if you want to".

Lance reaches for my hand and intertwined are fingers. He looks back at the road, continuing to drive us to are destinations. I grip his hand tight, not wanting to ever let it go. He's hand was so warm and a lot bigger then mine. I felt so small around lance. He's taller then me, and when we cuddles last night I felt like a kitten sleeping with a lion. It was so nice being that warm.

Lance pulls me out of my thoughts. " hey Keith babe we're here". Lance shakes my arm. " oh yeah sorry, where are we"? Lance just smirks, you'll see.

Hey guys sorry for not updating this like two days ago. I have had a lot of homework. Plus writer's block but I still finished it and I think it's pretty ok.
- E.R

Klance, depressed lance x Keith Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon